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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:00 am

Results for partner abuse

1 results found

Author: Bradley, Alexa

Title: Women Most at Risk of Experiencing Partner Abuse in England and Wales: Years Ending March 2015 to 2017

Summary: Main Points -Eliminating violence against women and girls is one of the targets under the Sustainable Development Goals, findings show that some groups of women are more likely to experience partner abuse than others. -Young women were more likely to have experienced partner abuse in the last 12 months than older women. -Women who had a long-term illness or disability were more than twice as likely to have experienced some form of partner abuse (12.4%) in the last 12 months than women who did not (5.1%). -Bisexual women were nearly twice as likely to have experienced partner abuse in the last 12 months than heterosexual women (10.9% compared with 6.0%). -Women who identified with Mixed/Multiple ethnicities were more likely to have experienced partner abuse in the last 12 months (10.1%) than any other ethnic group. -Women living in households with an income of less than 10,000 pounds were more than four times as likely (14.3%) to have experienced partner abuse in the last 12 months than women living in households with an income of 50,000 pounds or more (3.3%). -Women living in social housing (11.1%) were nearly three times as likely to have experienced partner abuse in the last 12 months than women who were owner occupiers (4.1%).

Details: United Kingdom, 2018. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 3, 2018 at: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/articles/womenmostatriskofexperiencingpartnerabuseinenglandandwales/yearsendingmarch2015to2017

Year: 2018

Country: United Kingdom

URL: file:///C:/Users/AuthUser/Downloads/Women%20most%20at%20risk%20of%20experiencing%20partner%20abuse%20in%20England%20and%20Wales%20years%20ending%20March%202015%20to%202017.pdf

Shelf Number: 151609

Domestic Abuse
Domestic Violence
Partner Abuse