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Date: October 20, 2024 Sun

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Results for peer learning

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Author: Orr, Kate Skellington

Title: HM YOI Polmont: Evaluation of the Implementation and Early Impact of the Peer Learning Hub

Summary: Background 1.1 This report presents the findings from an independent evaluation of the Peer Learning Hub pilot that was set up in HM Young Offenders Institution (YOI) Polmont in 2014. 1.2 The purpose of the evaluation was twofold: to document and examine the set up and initial implementation of the Peer Learning Hub; as well as to consider early indications of its impact. 1.3 The evaluation focussed retrospectively on the set up and running of the pilot over the first nine months following implementation and also sought to identify and appraise changes to the pilot model that have subsequently taken place. The evaluation was intended to be formative, insofar as the findings will be used to help the pilot Hub reflect on learning and experience to date, and explore ways in which the project can continue to develop and progress in the future. Research Aims & Questions 1.4 The evaluation directly explored the following research questions: - How has the Peer Learning Hub been established? Has it been implemented as planned? What is the fidelity of implementation? - Have there been barriers to implementation? If so what were they, what was their impact, and how were (or will) they be addressed? - What is being delivered in the Peer Learning Hub? - Are activities being delivered as intended? - Are participants being reached as intended? - What are the characteristics of participants, the throughput and the attrition rates? - What are participants' views on peer mentoring? - What changes, if any, have been made to the Peer Learning Hub as a consequence of initial lessons learned? How and why have changes been made? What impact have such changes had on the success of the Peer Learning Hub? 1.5 Recognising that the Hub is also still fairly new in its implementation, and that impact data was therefore limited to the short term and would be indicative, at best, the evaluation also considered: - Whether peers are better at engaging young people in Polmont than staff members; - Whether peers are more effective at sharing and imparting information and knowledge; - Whether young offenders can act as successful role models; - If, in custodial settings, prisoners can form pro-social communities that realise wider benefits; - Whether the Peer Learning Hub increases confidence, self-esteem and self-worth of the mentors; - Whether peer mentees feel more empowered and responsible; 2 - Whether deployment of peer mentors works as a symbol and signal of a pro-social, asset building culture; - Whether peers can become ambassadors to other service users; and - The extent to which peers can improve service delivery by identifying real issues on the ground. 1.6 It is important to stress that the research did not seek to assess the effectiveness of peer mentoring per se, since the benefits of peer mentoring and other peer interventions in the custodial setting is already well documented1. It is well known, for example, that under the right conditions, peers may be better at engaging offenders than prison or other staff, that they can act as positive role models and may be more effective at communicating information and knowledge to peers than traditional teaching staff. Research has also shown that peer mentors can be effective in helping to change the behaviour of their peers, and can be especially helpful in reaching traditionally hard to reach groups. Instead, what this evaluation sought to do was to explore the specific approach being adopted at HM YOI Polmont and the suitability for the particular offender group housed there.

Details: Edinburgh: Scottish Prison Service, 2015. 47p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 23, 2016 at: http://www.sps.gov.uk/Corporate/Publications/Publication-3922.aspx

Year: 2015

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.sps.gov.uk/Corporate/Publications/Publication-3922.aspx

Shelf Number: 138687

Correctional Programs
Educational Programs
Juvenile Corrections
Juvenile Inmates
Peer Learning
Young Offenders