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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:19 pm

Results for people with disabilities

2 results found

Author: Bartlett, Helen

Title: Sexual Violence Against People with Disabilities: Data Collection and Barriers to Disclosure

Summary: The report focuses on analysing data on experience of sexual violence by people with disabilities collected in the RCNI Database over 2008-2010; understanding barriers to disclosure for people with disabilities; and reviewing and analysing relevant database models used to record incidents of sexual violence as experienced by people with disabilities. The report analyses data from the Rape Crisis Network Ireland Database. Incidents of sexual violence reported by people with disabilities in the Republic of Ireland in the three years from 2008 to 2010 were analysed from this dataset. Findings from this analysis will inform broader policy on providing appropriate and accessible disclosure support and abuse monitoring structures for people with disabilities. We elicited input from people with disabilities through an anonymous online survey. People with disabilities are best placed to contribute to policy development by identifying barriers that limit their access to information and supports concerning sexual violence. Their insights will progress policy on how sensitive data is captured, while protecting privacy and ensuring easy access to people with any form of disability. Barriers were identified and solutions to challenges proposed by the survey respondents. The analysis of the survey will be of interest to a wide range of stakeholders including those who support people with disabilities and those who support survivors of sexual violence. The research also reviews existing data collection mechanisms in order to identify international models of good practice and makes practical recommendations for nationally coordinated data collection on sexual violence experienced by people with disabilities. The recommendations also have relevance for monitoring other forms of abuse against people with disabilities.

Details: Galway: Rape Crisis Network Ireland, 2011.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 13, 2012 at: http://www.rcni.ie//uploads/SexualViolenceAgainstPeopleWithDisabilities2011.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Ireland

URL: http://www.rcni.ie//uploads/SexualViolenceAgainstPeopleWithDisabilities2011.pdf

Shelf Number: 126008

Adults with Disabilities
People with Disabilities
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Violence (Ireland)

Author: Maher, Janemaree

Title: Women, disability and violence: Barriers to accessing justice: Final Report

Summary: This project, Women, disability and violence: Creating access to justice, draws on the insights of 36 women living in New South Wales and Victoria who outlined their experiences of seeking justice and security in the context of violence that they had experienced. As part of their commitment to policy relevant empirically grounded research, Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety (ANROWS) commissioned this research. The project was led by researchers from Monash University and People with Disability Australia, hereafter PWDA (representing Disabled People's Organisations Australia, hereafter DPOA). This research examines how these women worked to seek redress or support and the pathways and obstacles they encountered. This data has been augmented by interviews with 18 service providers from NSW and Victoria working in disability support services and advocacy organisations, domestic and family violence support services, and legal services. This is a qualitative project which limits generalisability: the aim here is to analyse the experiences these specific women have shared and work to identify patterns that emerge. Violence in the context of this project was understood to include physical and sexual violence as well as other forms of abuse such as coercive control, emotional abuse, financial abuse, and physical and social isolation. The majority of the cases captured in this report were instances of domestic and family violence defined broadly as violence occurring within a familial or caring context. It included sexual and physical assaults in a range of social and living environments. In addition, violence was understood to take particular forms such as withholding required medications or aids, limiting access to disability services and/or mainstream service providers and threats related to women's mothering and care-giving roles. Violence that violated women's sexual and reproductive autonomy, including forced or coerced sterilisation was also commonly reported. Avenues to seek desired justice, which may include prevention of future violence, everyday security and safety, and consequences for the perpetrators of violence are complex, as justice services and pathways may not effectively support the access of women with disability. This report reiterates findings that already exist in the public domain. As the context review makes clear, these issues of Executive summary violence and access to justice have been the focus of multiple reviews and interventions within Australia in the last five years. The question of legal capacity for women with disability is still unaddressed. As the Australian Human Rights Commission outlines (AHRC) (2014), all jurisdictions should have a disability strategy underpinned by a national Disability Justice Strategy. Implementation of this strategy should be guided by the following principles: 1. Safety of people with disability and freedom from violence. 2. Effective access to justice for people with disabilities. 3. Non-discrimination. 4. Respect for inherent dignity and individual autonomy including the freedom to make one's own decisions. 5. Full and effective participation and inclusion in the community.

Details: Sydney: Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety Limited (ANROWS), 2018. 92p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 27, 2018 at: https://d2c0ikyv46o3b1.cloudfront.net/anrows.org.au/Maher%20et%20al%20Horizons%20Research%20Report.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Australia

URL: https://d2c0ikyv46o3b1.cloudfront.net/anrows.org.au/Maher%20et%20al%20Horizons%20Research%20Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 149921

Disabled Persons
Domestic Violence
Family Violence
People with Disabilities
Violence Against Women