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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

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Results for pharmaceutical services

1 results found

Author: Allgeier, Rosemary

Title: Literature Review: Pharmaceutical Services for Prisoners

Summary: The purpose of the literature review is to provide an overview of the evidence for effective pharmaceutical services to prisoners. The review aimed to identify formal guidance and published studies of effective pharmaceutical services for prisoners. It also provided evidence to support the recommendations that will be made as part of a pharmaceutical needs assessment that is being carried out by Public Health Wales for HMP Swansea and will be published in November. Pharmaceutical services are not limited to the supply of medicines, they also include providing advice and support to improve medicine taking, and support for health and well being. Wherever possible, prisoners are responsible for storing and taking their own medicines “in-possession”. This means that they do not need to collect and take their medicines a dose at a time under supervision. Prison pharmacists have a key role in deciding which medicines can be allowed “in-possession” and in developing risk assessments to help decide when this is not appropriate. The Department of Health guidance, “A pharmacy service for prisoners”, that forms part of the review, recommended that prison pharmaceutical services should be more patient-focused, based on identified need, and support and promote self-care. Prisoners should receive the same range and quality of pharmaceutical services as are available to people in the community butthey may need be delivered in a different way in the prison setting.

Details: Cardiff: Public Health Wales, 2012. 14p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 30, 2013 at: http://www2.nphs.wales.nhs.uk:8080/pharmaceuticalphtdocs.nsf/61c1e930f9121fd080256f2a004937ed/a02a47e888fa3c6d80257a9a003f13f0/$FILE/LitRev%20PharmSevices%20Prison%20Final%20V1a%2008Oct2012.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www2.nphs.wales.nhs.uk:8080/pharmaceuticalphtdocs.nsf/61c1e930f9121fd080256f2a004937ed/a02a47e888fa3c6d80257a9a003f13f0/$FILE/LitRev%20PharmSevices%20Prison%20Final%20V1a%2008Oct2012.pdf

Shelf Number: 128881

Pharmaceutical Services
Prisoner Health Care (Wales, U.K.)