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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:57 am

Results for piracy (eastern africa)

1 results found

Author: Sörenson, Karl

Title: Wrong Hands on Deck? Combating Piracy & Building Maritim Security in Eastern Africa

Summary: This report investigates the threats to maritime security in Eastern Africa, the responses to deal with these threats and the prospects for building maritime security in the region. The report discusses three aspects of maritime security: economic security, state security, and human security. While the Somali piracy, which dominates the security agenda, is mainly an economic security problem, it has both state and human security implications. Other illegal activities, such as smuggling of weapons and drugs, illegal fishing, waste dumping and smuggling of humans are also analysed according to these categorises. The report argues that paying more attention to all these activities; their underlying incentives and area of impact, would benefit the international community’s current work to build maritime security in Eastern Africa.

Details: Stockholm, Sweden: FOI, Swedish Defense Research Agency, Division of Defense Analysis, 2011. 52p.

Source: User Report: Internet Resource: Accessed on January 29, 2012 at http://www.foi.se/upload/projekt/Afrikagruppen/FOI-R--3228--SE%20Marin%20S%C3%A4kerhet.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.foi.se/upload/projekt/Afrikagruppen/FOI-R--3228--SE%20Marin%20S%C3%A4kerhet.pdf

Shelf Number: 123877

Human Smuggling
Illegal Fishing
Maritime Security (Eastern Africa)
Piracy (Eastern Africa)
Weapons Smuggling