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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:51 am

Results for plans for justice

1 results found

Author: El Salvador Unamonos Para Crecer

Title: Plan El Salvador Seguro (Safe El Salvador Plan)

Summary: Introduction Installed in September 2014, the National Security Council Citizen and Coexistence (CNSCC) is composed of institutions of the State, COMURES, churches, media, private enterprise, political parties, various representatives of civil society and the international community. Its main objectives are: - Providing inputs that help enrich policies and national justice plans, citizen security and coexistence. - Collect contributions from different sectors and facilitate dialogue with the society. - Propose actions that make the implementation of policies viable in matters of justice, citizen security and coexistence to find solutions together. - Follow up on public policies on justice, citizen security and coexistence and issue an opinion on their execution. - Submit periodic reports to the public about the work of the Advice. - Contribute to identify mechanisms for financing the policies and plans for justice, citizen security and coexistence. This Plan will be articulated with social and economic policies and complements other initiatives such as the Five-Year Development Plan, the Central American Security Strategy (ESCA), FOMILENIO II, the Alliance for the Prosperity of the Northern Triangle and other efforts of State institutions, private enterprise and local initiatives that are already underway in the country, as well as the work of other councils thematic areas that will be installed, such as the Board of Education, and the Pact for Employment and Productivity, among others.

Details: San Salvadore, El Salvador: Consejo Nacional de Seguridad Ciudadana y Convivencia, 2015. 46p.

Source: Internet Resource (in Spanish): Accessed January 12, 2019 at: http://www.presidencia.gob.sv/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/El-Salvador-Seguro.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: El Salvador

URL: http://www.presidencia.gob.sv/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/El-Salvador-Seguro.pdf

Shelf Number: 154094

Alliance for the Prosperity of the Northern Triang
Central America
Central American Security Strategy
Citizen Security
El Salvador
National Security Council Citizen and Coexistence
Plans for Justice