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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:59 am

Results for poisoning

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Author: Bodega Zugasti, D. de la (ed.)

Title: Illegal Use of Poisoned-Baits. Legal Analysis and Investigation

Summary: Poisoned-baits have traditionally been used in Spain's countryside as predator control method. Initially used by livestock farmers to protect their animals from attack during their seasonal movements of short- or long-range transhumance, it has over the years been taken up mainly by the hunting community. Poisoning nowadays is commonest on improperly run hunting grounds, although there has also been another upsurge in the use of poisoned-baits in livestock farming. Recent convictions in criminal proceedings show that it has also spread into other activities like beekeeping and pigeon racing. The environmental effects of poison have been devastating and it has now become one of the main threats to biodiversity. Figures recorded from 2005 to 2010 show that poisoning is still a habitual practice, with grave consequences for both wildlife and domesticated animals. Its indiscriminate use against certain species considered until the eighties of last century to be "vermin" has led many of these species, even after the banning of the use of poisoned-baits, to be classified as in danger of extinction or vulnerable. Witness the Iberian lynx, Spanish Imperial Eagle, Red Kite or Cinereous Vulture. After centuries of indiscriminate use, Spanish Criminal Code categorised the use of poison for fishing or hunting purposes as a wildlife crime in 1995 on the grounds precisely of its environmental impact and non-selective nature. Practically all Spanish Regional Governments (hence- forth CCAA), moreover, have passed legislation to forbid and punish the illegal use of poison. This legal framework has been fleshed out by plans and strategies drawn up at regional and national level with varying degrees of participation, measures and actions for the prevention, investigation and prosecution of this crime. Pulling together all these strands, this text plans to work from the legal acquis and accumulated practice built up by various organisations and groups during years of concerted efforts to wipe out the illegal use of poison in Spain's countryside. Some of the chapters of this manual have been written by legal professionals and experts in the investigation of a crime that is often extremely difficult to clear up. It has also been favoured by effective impunity due to the sheer complexity of this investigation and the lack of forthright legal response.

Details: Madrid: SEO BirdLife, 2016. 150p,

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 5, 2016 at: http://www.cms.int/sites/default/files/uploads/meetings/MIKT1/mikt-page-docs/ILLEGAL-USE-OF-POISONED-BAITS_SEO_BirdLife_March2016.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Spain

URL: http://www.cms.int/sites/default/files/uploads/meetings/MIKT1/mikt-page-docs/ILLEGAL-USE-OF-POISONED-BAITS_SEO_BirdLife_March2016.pdf

Shelf Number: 139973

Illegal Hunting
Offenses Against the Environment
Wildlife Crime