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Results for police, complaints against

1 results found

Author: Faull, Andrew

Title: Monitoring the Performance of Police Oversight Agencies

Summary: Since the early nineties there have been two important shifts in police oversight across and beyond Africa. The first is the introduction of independent, often investigation-driven bodies to oversee complaints against police agencies. The second has been the introduction of performance driven management strategies across the public service arena, including within police and oversight agencies. These have led to the regular collection and analysis of selected data in attempts to assess the performance of agencies against a set of predefined targets. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime recommends that all complaints against police are reported to an independent oversight agency whether that agency investigates the complaint or not. This allows for the agency to monitor complaints over time in order to identify patterns or underlying causes of misconduct. Subsequent analysis enables agencies to make informed recommendations to the police agencies they oversee and help them learn from their mistakes. Attention to data trends also helps an oversight agency to learn from and improve its own work. It is considered good practice for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) units within police oversight agencies to monitor key indicators and track progress based on these between less frequent large evaluations such as annual audits. By monitoring and analysing trends over time, oversight agencies position themselves to develop understanding of systemic challenges within police agencies. Data generated can help identify particular aspects of police work, particular stations or units, or geographical locations within police precincts that generate high numbers of complaints. Similarly, it can help oversight agencies better understand the experiences and challenges faced by their staff, and try to ameliorate these.

Details: Mowbray, South Africa: African Policing Civilian Oversight Forum, 2013. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: APCOF Policy Paper no. 8: Accessed October 28, 2013 at: http://www.apcof.org/files/185_MonitoringPerformanceofOversight.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.apcof.org/files/185_MonitoringPerformanceofOversight.pdf

Shelf Number: 131499

Police Corruption
Police Misconduct (Africa)
Police, Complaints Against