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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:48 am

Results for police administrators (u.s.)

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Author: Police Executive Research Forum

Title: Defining Moments for Police Chiefs

Summary: The position of police chief has always been a demanding job. A police chief must know how to run a complex organization, in many cases a very large organization. Chiefs must have strong leadership skills and a vision for meeting the needs of the community. And the stakes are high, because police have unique power and authority over people. The consequences of a mistake by any member of the organization can be catastrophic. As a result, police departments undergo closer scrutiny than other types of organizations. Since PERF's creation in 1976, one of our priorities has been to work with police chiefs to identify best practices and policies for meeting the challenges of the job. Our goal is to help police departments learn from each other about the critical issues they face. And one thing we have seen is that even in a well-run department, a department with good policies, thorough training of officers, strong leaders, and solid management systems, things can go disastrously wrong at any moment. A single officer can make a bad decision in a split-second, or a natural disaster or large-scale criminal incident can overwhelm a department’s capabilities. A police chief who responds well in a crisis can mitigate the damage, and sometimes the storyline changes as a result. Instead of focusing on the disastrous incident, the community remembers how hard the police chief and the police department worked to handle it. Unfortunately, in other cases, a slow or ill-considered response makes the situation worse. In the summer of 2014, PERF decided to hold a national conference to address these issues. We decided to name the conference "Defining Moments for Police Chiefs." We wanted to ask leading police officials, "In your career, what was the one critical moment when you really felt tested? What did you do that worked well? And looking back, is there anything you wish you could do over and do differently?"

Details: Washington, DC: PERF, 2015. 76p.

Source: Internet Resource: Critical Issues in Policing Series: Accessed May 4, 2015 at: http://www.policeforum.org/assets/definingmoments.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://www.policeforum.org/assets/definingmoments.pdf

Shelf Number: 135509

Police Administrators (U.S.)
Police Performance