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Results for police corruption (liberia)

1 results found

Author: Human Rights Watch

Title: "No Money, No Justice": Police Corruption and Abuse in Liberia

Summary: Police corruption in Liberia undermines access to justice, results in human rights violations, and compromises the establishment of the rule of law in this post-conflict country. Liberian victims of crimes must pay authorities at every stage of a case investigation. Because of the prevalence of police corruption, "justice is not for the poor" is a catchphrase of many Liberians who say wealth, not guilt, often determines the outcome of criminal cases. "No Money, No Justice": Police Corruption and Abuse in Liberia documents the impact of police corruption on the administration of justice. Motorcycle taxi drivers, street sellers, and taxi drivers - whose work keeps them on the streets - are particularly vulnerable to bribery demands from the police. Police officers often arbitrarily arrest and detain and rob these workers, who typically live in poverty. Liberian police officers themselves face numerous challenges in performing their jobs. They lack essential resources, such as fuel for vehicles, and work long hours for low salaries. Commanders pressure their subordinates to make payments up the chain of command, particularly in exchange for promotion. The post-war United Nations presence in Liberia has helped reduce the incidence of torture in detention, but has not made inroads on corruption and abuses connected with extortion. To strengthen respect for basic rights and the rule of law in Liberia, Human Rights Watch calls on the Liberian government to bolster police accountability mechanisms and fulfill its promise of establishing an independent oversight board for the police. In addition, the government and foreign donors should investigate persistent logistics shortfalls that contribute to police officers preying upon the public for material support. Finally, government officials in Liberia should emphasize accountability and good governance in the security sector as essential to the country's promised post-conflict development.

Details: New York: HRW, 2013. 74p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 23, 2014 at: http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/liberia0813_forUpload_0.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Liberia

URL: http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/liberia0813_forUpload_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 129901

Human Rights Abuses
Police Accountability
Police Corruption (Liberia)
Police Misconduct