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Results for police interviews

1 results found

Author: Cunningham, Sonia

Title: Evaluation of the Implementation of Investigative Interviewing Training and Assessment (Level 1). Final Report

Summary: The 2008 NZ Police Investigative Interviewing strategy aims to improve investigative interviewing, the quality of investigations and professionalism of staff. Staff are trained in the PEACE1 interviewing framework and a competency framework for the accreditation of staff has been implemented. This report presents findings of a process evaluation of implementation of Level 1 investigative interviewing. The evaluation focused on how the training and accreditation processes are being implemented, monitoring and supervision of interviews and improvements that could be made to these processes. The extent of the use of the framework, access to resources and perceptions of progress towards intended outcomes of the Investigative Interviewing strategy use of PEACE were also examined. The evaluation findings are based on analysis of data collected from a number of sources, including in-depth interviews, focus groups, surveys, human resources data and background documentation.

Details: Wellington, NZ: New Zeland Police, Organisational Assurance Group, Evaluation Services, 2010. 53p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 19, 2012 at: http://www.police.govt.nz/sites/default/files/resources/evaluation/2010-10-20-invest-int-process-eval.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: New Zealand

URL: http://www.police.govt.nz/sites/default/files/resources/evaluation/2010-10-20-invest-int-process-eval.pdf

Shelf Number: 126749

Police Interrogation
Police Interviews
Police Investigations (New Zealand)
Police Training