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Results for police organizations

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Author: Rosenbaum, Dennis P.

Title: Measuring Police Organizations and their "Life Course": The National Police Research Platform

Summary: The National Police Research Platform has developed and field tested a new methodology for studying police organizations in the 21st century. This methodology uses online surveys of agency employees; surveys that can be repeated annually with a large and diverse sample of agencies. The primary goals of this initiative are to (1) create a vehicle (the Platform) that will continuously advance our knowledge of police organizations and practices, thus strengthening the science of policing; and (2) provide regular and timely feedback to police agencies and policy makers that will help move the policing profession in the direction of evidence-based "learning organizations." The principal strength of the Platform is its capacity to (a) generate detailed data on police organizations that are not routinely available from Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) and other mail surveys, (b) generate data on how police organizations change over time, and (c) create this information for a larger and more diverse sample of agencies than is routinely available for analysis. If the scope of the platform is developed to its full potential, police in organizations around the nation will be able to track and assess their own changes in a framework that allows meaningful comparison with other similar agencies. This can be the basis for police organizations making well-informed decisions about how to deal with a wide range of organizational issues.

Details: Washington, DC: National Police Research Platform, 2011. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Overview: Accessed May 18, 2018 at: https://www.nationallawenforcementplatform.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Measuring-Police-Organizations-full-report.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: https://www.nationallawenforcementplatform.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Measuring-Police-Organizations-full-report.pdf

Shelf Number: 150263

Police Administration
Police Agencies
Police Organizations
Police Reform