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Results for police questioning (australia)

2 results found

Author: Bartels, Lorana

Title: Police Interviews with Vulnerable Adult Suspects

Summary: In this paper, some of the key issues police are likely to encounter when dealing with vulnerable adult suspects are considered and an overview of the Australian legislation and police policies governing police interviews in such circumstances is presented. This paper is concerned with vulnerable adults interviewed by the police as suspects. It is acknowledged, however, that many of the observations about good practice when interviewing witnesses continue to apply — perhaps to an even greater extent — when interviewing suspects. For example, interviewers’ questions need to be matched to respondents’ communicative abilities and suggestive/leading questions and other coercive practices should be avoided. Smith and Tilney (2007), and Bull (2010) have described the following steps as a means of achieving the best evidence when dealing with vulnerable witnesses: • establish good rapport, including establishing the ground rules and advising the interviewee that it is acceptable to say if they do not understand or know the answer; • obtain as much free narrative as possible, encouraging the interviewee with prompts and open-ended questions such as ‘tell me more about that’ and ‘what happened next?’; • ask questions of the right type in the right order. For example, open questions should precede specific questions and then closed questions. Leading questions should only be used as a last resort; • have meaningful closure, including a summary of the interviewee’s evidence and providing them with an opportunity to correct any errors; and • evaluate the interview, in terms of both the information obtained and the interviewer’s performance. This paper does not consider issues relating to court processes and the admissibility of evidence; nor does the paper explore the literature in relation to child witnesses or the specific issues of vulnerable witnesses as victims, for example, in the context of sexual assault matters, although these are all important linked areas of research.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2011. 13p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research In Practice, No. 21: Accessed July 13, 2011 at: http://www.aic.gov.au/documents/6/7/9/%7B67994F7E-4598-4CA8-A1A6-A003B4102D0B%7Drip21_001.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aic.gov.au/documents/6/7/9/%7B67994F7E-4598-4CA8-A1A6-A003B4102D0B%7Drip21_001.pdf

Shelf Number: 122042

Interviewing in Law Enforcement
Police Questioning (Australia)

Author: Alpert, Geoffrey P.

Title: The Cognitive Interview in Policing: Negotiating Control

Summary: This Briefing Paper highlights the benefits of employing cognitive interviewing techniques with witnesses and police officers following a traumatic incident. The authors note these techniques can facilitate more detailed memory recall by a witness (civilian or police officer) on the context, chronology and individual perceptions prior to, during, and after a critical incident, potentially significant details that can assist police investigators. In contrast, the controlled interview techniques currently used by police may potentially exclude important, contextual details. The cognitive interview process outlined in this paper is soon to be incorporated into police training in New Zealand and Australia (Queensland and Western Australia).

Details: Nathan, Australia: ARC Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security, 2012. 6p.

Source: Briefing Paper Issue 13: Internet Resource: Accessed August 8, 2012 at http://www.ceps.edu.au/CMS/Uploads/file/Geoff%20Alpert_The%20cognitive%20Interview%20in%20Policing%20WEB.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.ceps.edu.au/CMS/Uploads/file/Geoff%20Alpert_The%20cognitive%20Interview%20in%20Policing%20WEB.pdf

Shelf Number: 125947

Criminal Investigation (Australia)
Interviewing in Law Enforcement (Australia)
Police Questioning (Australia)