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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

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Results for police use of force (alaska)

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Author: Payne, Troy C.

Title: Officer-Involved Shootings in Anchorage 1993 - 2013

Summary: This report describes situational, officer, and citizen characteristics of the 45 officer-involved shootings in Anchorage for the period 1 Jan 1993 through 11 May 2013 as recorded in Anchorage Police Department criminal investigation files. An "officer-involved shooting" is defined as an incident in which a sworn employee of the Anchorage Police Department purposefully discharged a firearm at a human being. There were 45 such incidents during the study period. Data for this report was derived from investigation case files produced by the Anchorage Police Department at the time of the incident. The report has three limitations: 1. The data can be used to describe, but not to explain, officer-involved shootings; 2. The data reflect the views of officers involved or near the scene of the shooting, with no independent investigation completed by project staff for this report; 3. The report describes rare events, the patterns of which are difficult (or impossible) to distinguish from random chance. The average number of officer-involved shootings per year was 2.14 during the study period, with a range from zero to five. Officer-involved shootings were generally north of Tudor Road and located near a major street. Combining the situational, officer, and citizen characteristics detailed in this report, it is possible to describe the "typical" officer-involved shooting over the past 20 years. The incident occurred between 12:00am midnight and 7:00am on a weekday. Officers responded to the scene after a citizen call regarding a disturbance or aggravated assault. Most incidents involved one citizen and one or two officers. The citizen possessed and threatened to use or attempted to use a weapon. Officers discharged a department-issued semi-auto pistol between one and three times. The citizen sustained one or more gunshot wounds; officers were not injured. Officers were typically white, male, at the rank of Officer, and in the middle of their careers with 4-9 years of experience. Compared to the 2012 Anchorage population, citizens involved were disproportionately minority, male, and under 30 years old. Many citizens were under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Half of citizens involved were suspected of other crimes and most had at least one conviction for a misdemeanor or felony before the officer-involved shooting incident. The report below is intended to provide an overall picture of the officer-involved shootings during the past two decades. While it cannot explain such events given the limitations of the data source, there is no other comprehensive source of aggregate officer-involved shooting data in Anchorage. This report is therefore a first step toward a better understanding of officer use of force in Anchorage.

Details: Anchorage: UAA Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2013. 27p.

Source: Internet Resource: JC 1402: Accessed August 14, 2014 at: http://justice.uaa.alaska.edu/research/2010/1402.apd_ois/1402.01.officer_involved_shootings.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://justice.uaa.alaska.edu/research/2010/1402.apd_ois/1402.01.officer_involved_shootings.pdf

Shelf Number: 133068

Deadly Force
Police Use of Force (Alaska)