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Results for police- citizen interaction

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Author: Erp, Michael

Title: Nampa Police crime and criminal justice sysrvey: Report to the Manpa Police Department: Results of the Citizen Survey and Field Interviews Carried Out in 2007

Summary: Experts typically agree that community policing is a journey, not a destination; it represents an overarching philosophy for the delivery of police services, not just a collection of programs. As has been the case in many American police agencies over the course of the past two decade and more, the Nampa (Idaho) police began their efforts towards implementation of community policing in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. Unlike many organizations, the Nampa police have undertaken significant steps to plan their actions carefully and have sought outside assistance to implement their community policing philosophy. Among those important steps taken was an intensive and comprehensive on-site organizational and community assessment process conducted in 1999 by the Western Regional Institute for Community Oriented Public Safety (WRICOPS), and now this community-wide survey of citizen attitudes and perceptions conducted by Washington State University’s Division of Governmental Studies and Services (DGSS). OVERVIEW OF PRINCIPAL SURVEY FINDINGS • Nampa respondents express a high level of regard for their police department and officers 93% trust rating for Nampa Police Department and Nampa officers, compared to 79% for city officials and 83% for local schoolteachers High level of support for community oriented policing exists in Nampa • 94% feel that community policing is the right direction police should take to police Nampa • Top Problems Identified by Citizens to be “Community-wide Problems” Youth gangs, using illegal drugs, vandalism, traffic, home break-ins, domestic or intimate partner violence, being victimized by violent crimes, and child abuse • Top Problems Identified by Citizens to be “Neighborhood Problems” Dogs running at large, vandalism, traffic, noise, home break-ins, youth gangs, garbage/litter, drunk driving • High level of volunteerism and cooperation with community policing expressed by the citizens of Nampa 94% of respondents agree citizens must take more responsibility for safety in neighborhoods; police alone can not do it; 87% are likely or possibly likely to volunteer for block watch or neighborhood watch activities; 59% indicate that are “likely” or “possibly likely” to participate in future community policing efforts • Low proportion of citizens feel that police services are improving While 62% of respondents feel that service has stayed the same over the past couple of years, 9% of survey respondents feel that law enforcement services have gotten worse over the same time period • Relatively high levels of satisfaction among those citizens who have been crime victims and among those arrested for crimes 62% of Nampa crime victims were satisfied with the Nampa Police response compared to 57% in the WRICOPS region; Quality of service was rated as good/excellent by 60% of traffic violators, 71% of those arrested or interrogated, nearly 59% of those reporting a crime and 73% of those requesting police service • Nampa Minority and non-Minority residents are remarkably alike in their willingness to help the police and in support for community policing; Minorities are slightly more likely to become involved in community policing efforts that are non-Minorities • Remarkably, Nampa Minority residents have higher trust levels of governmental officials than do non-Minority residents. Minority and non-Minority trust of Nampa police are nearly identical • Major themes commented upon by the citizens of Nampa o Community and Individual support and resolve for the difficult job of policing Nampa o Importance and appreciation of positive community engagement o Quality of life issues o Opportunities to correct undesired impressions o Growth and growing pains in Nampa o Assorted individual level concerns

Details: Pullman, WA: Washington State University, Division of Governmental STudies and Services, 2007. 67p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 27, 2012 at: http://dgss.wsu.edu/Final%20Reports/Nampa2007CrimeCJSurvey.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: United States

URL: http://dgss.wsu.edu/Final%20Reports/Nampa2007CrimeCJSurvey.pdf

Shelf Number: 124298

Community Policing
Police- Citizen Interaction
Police-Community Relations (Washington State)
Public Opinion