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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:04 pm

Results for police-community relations (u.s.)

1 results found

Author: Howard League for Penal Reform

Title: On Our Side? Young People and the Police: Can the police and crime commissioners lead the way for change?

Summary: U R Boss is the Howard League’s youth participation project for young people in the criminal justice system. We work with young people to tackle their concerns through legal support and policy and campaigning work. • We have worked with young people across the country who have had varying levels of contact with the police. Participation work has been carried out with young people’s community groups, youth offending teams (YOTs) and young people who are currently or have been in prison. There have been common attitudes, opinions and concerns amongst all the young people we have worked with. • U R Boss has highlighted a number of serious concerns about the police. Some young people find that the police are seen as not caring about young people and some young people experience racism or serious bad practice. Young people are also concerned about being identified as ‘the usual suspects’ and experience inappropriate and intrusive stop and search practices. • We want to improve the purpose and quality of interactions between young people and the police, built on a base of mutual respect. Key to improving relationships is the need for regular and meaningful engagement with young people. • The landscape for policing is changing dramatically with the introduction of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs). This is a unique opportunity to make sure community voices, especially those of young people in contact with the criminal justice system, are heard, listened to and acted on to improve practice. • As gatekeepers for much of the criminal justice system, the police occupy a unique position to use their discretion, innovation and intelligence-led policing to use more direct and proportionate responses. A time of austerity and forces facing cuts to their budgets offers an opportunity to reassess the most effective way that resources can be used. • We are asking local PCC candidates to pledge to consult with young people in contact with the criminal justice system when developing their police and crime plans. • We are working with police at all levels to improve practice in their contact with young people. During the campaign, we are building on this by working with young people to identify and collate examples of good practice in policing. After the elections we will offer to work with successful candidates to develop meaningful ways of consulting young people and embed good practice.

Details: London: Howard League for Penal Reform, 2012. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 19, 2013 at: http://www.urboss.org.uk/downloads/publications/On_our_Side_FULL_document.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.urboss.org.uk/downloads/publications/On_our_Side_FULL_document.pdf

Shelf Number: 129465

Juvenile Offenders
Police-Community Relations (U.S.)