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Results for policing (ukraine)

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Author: Beck, Adrian

Title: Crime and Policing in Ukraine: The Kharkiv Crime Survey 2000

Summary: This is the first report from the Introducing Context-Specific Community Policing into Ukraine project. The project seeks to utilise the experience of western countries on community policing and to work in close partnership with colleagues in Ukraine to develop a programme of reform for the police. The current project is part of a broad range of assistance being offered by a number European countries and the United States to the police forces of the former socialist states in recent years. This help has come in a number of different forms ranging from organising seminars on international topics such as organised crime to the provision of specific equipment such as forensic and investigative tools. This project attempts to assist/foster the process of democratic police reform in Ukraine by initiating the change ‘from within’, through experimental testing and identification of various forms of improved police practice and co-operation with the public in preventing and solving crime. Overall, the project is organised into three phases: understanding the context; implementing schemes; and evaluating the impact. It has four distinct aims: To identify and understand the context within which community policing might take place within Ukraine; To introduce a number of context-specific forms of community policing within limited geographical police areas; To evaluate the effect such schemes have on the relationship between the community and the police, and on the levels of reported and recorded crime, and the fear of crime; and To develop a new module to be taught at Kharkiv University of Internal Affairs on Understanding and Implementing Community Policing in Ukraine, and to introduce a short course variant delivered as part of in-service training to existing police officers. This report presents the findings from the first phase of the project that was designed to identify some of the important prerequisites for the development of various forms of community policing. Without a complete grasp of the context within which any form of police reorganisation might take place, changes are likely to be misconstrued, mismanaged and ultimately meaningless. The context also provides the bedrock on which the implementation phase will be built. A cornerstone of community policing is the relationship between the police and the community. It was important therefore to first accurately measure what the public currently thought about crime and policing in their area – how do they view the problems of crime, what do they think about the police, would they be interested in becoming involved in ‘community policing’ style activities? Similarly, it was as important to ascertain what police officers thought – how do they view the public, do they see themselves as servants of the people or the state, what do they see as their own and the state’s priorities for the police in the future? Finally, collecting data on the levels of reported and recorded crime within the research areas was important in order to provide a benchmark for the later evaluation phase of the project. Detailed here are the findings from extensive surveys of the public in the two areas in the city of Kharkiv chosen to take part in the project. Over two thousand members of the public were interviewed as part of the research phase. In addition, all the available police officers in the two areas were interviewed as well. The report is organised into 11 sections. The first 5 sections map out the extent of victimisation and the levels of concern about a range of crime and nuisance problems in the two areas. It then goes on to look at what the public do to try and protect themselves and their possessions from crime. This is followed by a consideration of the relationship between the police and the public, focusing on the nature of contacts in the past and how the police and the public view each other. The report then considers attitudes towards police/public co-operation in the past and more importantly, in the future. It concludes by bringing the main findings together and makes a series of recommendations about the types of schemes that are most suitable for the next phase of the project.

Details: Leicester, UK: Scarman Centre, University of Leicester, 2001. 93p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 3, 2010 at: http://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/criminology/people/bna/CrimeandPolicinginUkrainetheKharkivCrimesurvey2000pdf

Year: 2001

Country: Ukraine

URL: http://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/criminology/people/bna/CrimeandPolicinginUkrainetheKharkivCrimesurvey2000pdf

Shelf Number: 120178

Community Policing
Crime Survey
Police Reform
Police-Community Relations
Policing (Ukraine)
Public Opinion