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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:51 am

Results for political corruption (nigeria)

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Author: Albin-Lackey, Chris

Title: Corruption on Trial? The Record of Nigeria’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission

Summary: This report analyzes the successes and failures of Nigeria’s most promising effort to fight high-level corruption: the country’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). At its best, the EFCC has given Nigerians rare hope that the powerful might be held to account for their crimes. But the institution has ultimately fallen short of its promise and needs a change of course. Corruption on Trial? describes how a variety of factors have damaged the EFCC’s reputation and undermined its ability to fight high-level corruption in Nigeria’s political system. Some of these factors are largely of the EFCC’s own making. Others — like crippling patterns of political interference in the institution’s work and a lack of support from other key anti-corruption institutions — are systemic and larger than the EFCC itself. Based on interviews with current and former EFCC officials, civil society activists, lawyers, judges, key government officials and others, this report shows how the EFCC has fallen short on many fronts, but also lays out an agenda for Nigeria’s government and the EFCC to quickly start to fix these problems. Nigeria’s international partners also have a role to play. Western governments, in particular, should apply both pressure and support to ensure that the EFCC is truly independent and strengthened. They must also stop their own jurisdictions from serving as havens for stolen funds and should help ensure that corrupt officials in Nigeria and beyond are held to account.

Details: New York: Human Rights Watch, 2011. 70p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 10, 2011 at: http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/nigeria0811WebPostR.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Nigeria

URL: http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/nigeria0811WebPostR.pdf

Shelf Number: 122686

Financial Crimes
Political Corruption (Nigeria)