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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:51 am

Results for poverty (caribbean)

1 results found

Author: United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

Title: Exploring Policy Linkages Between Poverty, Crime and Violence: A Look at Three Caribbean States

Summary: Crime and violence threaten individual safety and affect the social, economic and political life of a country and its citizens. As one of the most critical issues affecting Caribbean societies today, crime and violence have a significant impact on the achievement of development goals. Lower levels of life satisfaction, the erosion of social capital, intergenerational transmission of violence and higher mortality and morbidity rates are just some of the nonmonetary costs of crime and violence. Direct monetary costs include medical, legal, policing, prisons, foster care and private security. This discussion paper seeks to contribute to the body of knowledge on crime and violence through an exploration of the possible policy linkages between poverty, crime and violence, using data from Jamaica, Saint Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago. It does so against the backdrop of increasing concern for the impact of violence on the social and economic development and human welfare of Caribbean societies. In addition to the primary objective of exploring the policy and programming linkages between poverty reduction programming and that aimed at reducing crime and violence, the study includes an overview of crime and poverty statistics in the three countries under investigation as well as a review of literature which examines the crime, violence and poverty nexus. Finally the paper seeks to generate discussion regarding future research that could inform public policy in this sensitive area.

Details: Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago: ECLAC, 2008. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 7, 2011 at: http://www.eclac.org/publicaciones/xml/2/33252/L.172.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Trinidad and Tobago

URL: http://www.eclac.org/publicaciones/xml/2/33252/L.172.pdf

Shelf Number: 131584

Economics and Crime
Poverty (Caribbean)
Social Capital
Violent Crime