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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:09 pm

Results for poverty reduction

1 results found

Author: Bayne, Sarah

Title: Preventing and Reducing Armed Violence. Development Plans and Assistance

Summary: The paper provides an overview of some of the emerging lessons learned about how armed violence reduction and prevention (AVR) priorities can be integrated into local, national and donor development plans and assistance strategies. AVR is driven by the humanitarian and development imperative to accelerate global development by reducing the global burden of armed violence. The AVR approach responds to contemporary challenges of violence by addressing the risk factors for crime, interpersonal violence and conflict. Local and national governments experience armed violence most directly and have pioneered a range of preventive responses, often with the support of local communities. The donor community and UN system are also increasingly aware of the potential of targeted preventive measures. They have begun to adapt their strategies and instruments to better assist countries in their struggle to prevent and reduce all forms of violence.

Details: New York: United Nations Development Program; Oslo: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2010.

Source: Internet Resource: Background Paper, Oslo Conference on Armed Violence
Achieving the Millennium Development Goals
20-22 April 2010: Accessed April 2, 2012 at: http://www.osloconferencearmedviolence.no/pop.cfm?FuseAction=Doc&pAction=View&pDocumentId=24294

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.osloconferencearmedviolence.no/pop.cfm?FuseAction=Doc&pAction=View&pDocumentId=24294

Shelf Number: 124798

Armed Violence
Economic Development
Poverty Reduction
Violence Prevention