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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:00 am

Results for prescription drug abuse (ohio)

1 results found

Author: Ohio Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force

Title: Ohio Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force Final Report: Task Force Recommendations

Summary: On April 2, 2010, Governor Ted Strickland signed Executive Order 2010-4S, establishing the Ohio Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force (the “Task Force”). The Task Force was created to develop a coordinated and comprehensive approach to Ohio’s prescription drug abuse epidemic. The group was comprised of 33 members with a wide range of professional backgrounds and perspectives, including: state and local public health officials, health provider board and association representatives, state and local law enforcement, local government officials, state agency representatives and legislators. The Task Force was charged with meeting regularly to develop and recommend potential remedies to the growing misuse and abuse of prescription drugs in Ohio. Due to the urgency of this problem, the Task Force was required to submit an initial progress report to the Governor and the leaders of the Ohio General Assembly by May 17, 2010. The progress report included initial recommendations encouraging support for community education efforts (i.e. drug take back programs and social marketing campaigns) and charged the Task Force Work Groups to explore and identify potential solutions for the Task Force Final Report. Since the submission of the initial progress report, the Task Force and its Work Groups met frequently and have developed 20 recommendations. In order to ensure the state’s approach is both multifaceted and comprehensive, the recommendations address issues related to treatment, law enforcement, public health and regulation. In accordance with Executive Order 2010-4S, and in support of the Governor’s mission to reduce prescription drug abuse in Ohio, the Task Force hereby issues this final report.

Details: Columbus: The Task Force, 2010. 75p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 7, 2011 at: http://www.odh.ohio.gov/ASSETS/895B95C591534F7A82A815A69A00011E/OPDATF%20final%20report.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://www.odh.ohio.gov/ASSETS/895B95C591534F7A82A815A69A00011E/OPDATF%20final%20report.pdf

Shelf Number: 123254

Drug Abuse
Prescription Drug Abuse (Ohio)
Prescription Fraud