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Results for prescription drug diversion

1 results found

Author: Shelley, Tara O'Connor

Title: Pharmacy Robbery and Burglary: The Offender Perspective

Summary: In January of 2010, the Center for the Study of Crime and Justice (CSCJ), Department of Sociology at Colorado State University received a grant from Purdue Pharma L.P. to conduct a multi-year study on the diversion of controlled prescription drugs that occur as a result of robbery or burglary. There were several goals that informed this research project: - Understand the nature and extent of pharmaceutical diversion that occurs as a result of robbery or burglary of retail pharmacies. - Interview convicted offenders to document their perspective about pharmacy crime. - Collect information to help prevent pharmacy crime and enhance pharmacy safety. To address these goals, a mixed methods research study was designed and executed over several research phases with each phase informing the next. Phase 1 involved an assessment of the current state of knowledge about pharmaceutical robbery/burglary and the finalization of the research methodology with staff at Purdue Pharma L.P. This assessment involved intensive data analysis from various sources (e.g., RXPATROL, NIBRS, DEA) to allow for CSCJ staff to make data derived decisions regarding the selection of case study sites for Phase 2 as well as to design an informed interview protocol for Phase 3. Phase 2 used information generated in Phase 1 of the research methodology to select two appropriate research sites for intensive case study of convicted offenders. Phase 4 examined the nature and extent of pharmaceutical robbery and burglary from the offender viewpoint, although CSCJ was asked to prioritize interviewing with individuals who committed robberies. In Phase 4, CSCJ was responsible for analyzing study data and completing a final report. The purpose of this report is to summarize key findings from the offender interviews rather than present an exhaustive review of research findings from the four phases described above.

Details: Fort Collins, CO: Center for the Study of Crime and Justice, Department of Sociology, Colorado State University, 2016. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 18, 2017 at: https://www.in.gov/bitterpill/files/O%27Conner%20Shelley_Pharmacy%20Robbery%20and%20Burglary_The%20Offender%20Perspective.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: https://www.in.gov/bitterpill/files/O%27Conner%20Shelley_Pharmacy%20Robbery%20and%20Burglary_The%20Offender%20Perspective.pdf

Shelf Number: 147725

Pharmacy Crime
Prescription Drug Abuse
Prescription Drug Diversion
Retail Crime