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Results for pretrial services (u.s.)

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Author: U.S. National Institute of Corrections, Pretrial Executives Network

Title: Measuring What Matters: Outcome and Performance Measures for the Pretrial Services Field

Summary: This monograph presents recommended outcome and performance measures and mission-critical data for pretrial service programs. It is hoped that these suggested measures will enable pretrial service agencies to gauge more accurately their programs’ effectiveness in meeting agency and justice system goals. The contributors to this monograph believe the recommended elements are definable and measurable for most pretrial service programs and are consistent with established national pretrial release standards and the mission and goals of individual pretrial programs. The monograph defines each measure and critical data element and identifies the data needed to track them. It also includes recommendations for programs to develop ambitious but reasonable target measures. Finally, the monograph’s appendix lists examples of outcome and performance measures from three nationally representative pretrial service programs.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. National Institute of Corrections, 2011. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 18, 2012 at: http://www.pretrial.org/PerformanceMeasuresDocuments/Measuring%20What%20Matters.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.pretrial.org/PerformanceMeasuresDocuments/Measuring%20What%20Matters.pdf

Shelf Number: 125666

Pretrial Release
Pretrial Services (U.S.)

Author: Pretrial Justice Institute

Title: Using Technology to Enhance Pretrial Services: Current Applications and Future Possibilities

Summary: The first pretrial services programs came into existence 50 years ago. The technological tools available to pretrial services staff of that period, and for many years thereafter, were a pen or pencil, paper and index cards, a land-line telephone, and a typewriter. With these tools, pretrial services staff performed their tasks of interviewing defendants, verifying information, checking criminal records, preparing reports for the court, supervising conditions of release imposed by the court, and reminding defendants of upcoming court dates. Today, the pace of technological change is transforming the way pretrial services work is done. And that pace is accelerating at an exponential rate. Computing power has been doubling every 18 months, telecommunications capacity every 34 months, and electronic information storage capacity every 40 months. One author has calculated that, when measured against the 20th Century’s rate of progress, we will experience an astonishing 20,000 years of progress in technological growth in the 21st Century. To what extent are pretrial services programs making use of current technologies? How might the avalanche of technological developments projected to come our way in the next couple of decades aid the work of these programs? This document seeks to explore those questions. It begins with a review of technology to manage information and track program performance. The second section addresses each of the functions of pretrial services programs (e.g., interviewing defendants, verification, and record checks) and describes how technologies can be used to help programs in performing these functions. The third section explores factors that affect the implementation of new technologies, including the maturity of the technology at the time of implementation, the level of staff training required to use the technology, any philosophical issues that should be addressed prior to implementation, and costs. The fourth section discusses how technology affects the diffusion of knowledge about effective pretrial practices.

Details: Washington, DC: Pretrial Justice Institute, 2012. 34p.

Source: Internet Resource: accessed December 1, 2012 at: http://www.pretrial.org/Featured%20Resources%20Documents/PJI%20USING%20TECHNOLOGY%20TO%20ENHANCE%20PRETRIAL%20SERVICES%20(2012).pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.pretrial.org/Featured%20Resources%20Documents/PJI%20USING%20TECHNOLOGY%20TO%20ENHANCE%20PRETRIAL%20SERVICES%20(2012).pdf

Shelf Number: 127042

Pretrial Release
Pretrial Services (U.S.)