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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

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Results for prison discipline

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Author: Varrette, Steven

Title: A Review of Use of Force in Three Types of Correctional Facilities

Summary: The study provides a descriptive analysis of a sample of 185 randomly selected use of force incidents investigated by the Correctional Service of Canada’s Incident Investigations Branch (CSC) between 2003 and 2007. The reports were stratified to equally represent each of the four years in the study and categorised into three groups based on types of institutions where the event occurred: treatment centres, non-treatment centre institutions, and institutions for women. The study examined how use of force was carried out within CSC, the circumstances that triggered the use of force, the type of offenders involved in the incidents, and how well staff complied with policies related to use of force. Data collection was completed from two sources: (1) file reviews of the use of force incidents from records management at National Headquarters; and (2) background information on the offenders involved in the incidents from the Offender Management System. Of the 185 cases reviewed, 64% of incidents were from treatment centres, 26% were from men’s institutions, and 9% were from women’s institutions. Results from this research indicate that the most common reasons for CSC staff to use force were due to offenders refusing direct orders or becoming aggressive or threatening. It was more common in the women’s institutions that use of force occurred due to an offender initiating self-injurious behaviour. Overall, it appears that use of force is applied when offenders become non-compliant towards correctional staff orders or when they behave violently towards staff or themselves. The most frequent types of force applied were verbal orders, followed by physical handling/escort, and the use of restraint equipment (soft restraints, handcuffs, leg irons, or body belts). Other common types of force used were Institutional Emergency Response Team presence and chemical agents/inflammatory sprays. In the course of the use of force incidents reviewed, the majority of inmates and staff received no injuries. When injuries occurred, they were minor including scratches, bruises and eye irritation. Fourteen offenders from the sample made allegations of excessive use of force. Upon review, however, all these allegations were ruled unfounded. Once use of force has been administered, the incident must undergo an institutional, regional, and national review related to Health Care involvement in the incident and post incident. These reviews indicated that the majority of violations of health care guidelines were technical or administrative in nature. Although a significant proportion of the incidents involved procedural violations, most of these were related to issues of problematic documentation or video recording. The most common violation was related to documentation not being appropriately completed or signed.

Details: Ottawa: Correctional Service of Canada, 2011. 86p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Report 2011 Nº R-236; Accessed April 16, 2012 at: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/text/rsrch/reports/r236/r236-eng.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/text/rsrch/reports/r236/r236-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 124979

Correctional Institutions (Canada)
Correctional Officers
Correctional Treatment Centers
Prison Discipline
Prison Guards, Use of Force
Prison Health Care