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Results for prison health services

3 results found

Author: Albertson, Katherine

Title: Tackling Health Inequalities Through Developing Evidence-based Policy and Practice with Childbearing Women in Prison: A Consultation

Summary: The overall aim of this consultation was to scope and map the health needs and health care of childbearing women in prison, using the Yorkshire and Humberside region as a case study. In order to approach this we designed consultation exercises to: • Critically examine how prisons interact with health care agencies to meet the needs of childbearing women both inside and outside prison • Obtain the views of key stakeholders around improving practice and tackling barriers to equity of health care for childbearing women in prison • Identify existing good practice in this area • Produce an evidence base to inform future policy development and practice in this area • Use this local pilot work to inform the development of future research in this field This report contains key findings based on consultation data from the following sources: • A brief scoping review • Two Mother and Baby Unit (MBU) practitioner focus groups • Five MBU Manager interviews • Three activities undertaken by a web-based expert panel • A multidisciplinary final event

Details: Sheffield, UK: The Hallam Centre for Community Justice, Sheffield Hallam University; York, UK: The Mother and Infant Research Unit, Department of Health Sciences, University of York, 2012. 54p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 8, 2012 at: http://yhhiec.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Microsoft-Word-Mothers-in-Prison-Consultation-report-2012.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://yhhiec.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Microsoft-Word-Mothers-in-Prison-Consultation-report-2012.pdf

Shelf Number: 125937

Children of Prisoners
Female Inmates
Female Prisoners (U.K.)
Pregnant Inmates
Prison Health Services
Prison Nurseries

Author: O'Keeffe, Caroline

Title: Enhancing Care for Childbearing Women and their Babies in Prison

Summary: All available research suggests that the struggles of childbearing women in prison are extremely complex. And whilst their babies represent a relatively small proportion of all children affected by maternal imprisonment, they are arguably the neediest and most vulnerable group. This report documents the findings of a collaborative research project, funded by Barrow Cadbury Trust, between Action for Prisoners' and Offenders' Families (APOF) and the Hallam Centre for Community Justice (HCCJ) at Sheffield Hallam University. The project aimed to map current knowledge and research evidence on childbearing women in prison and their babies and to transfer this learning into policy and practice. All women who are pregnant or have a child below the age of eighteen months at the point of entering custody have the opportunity to apply for a place within designated living accommodation within a Mother and Baby Unit (MBU). However, in England, there is a high rate of rejection of MBU applications, MBU places are under-utilised and frequently lie empty across the women's estate. The research identified a range of factors which mitigated against an MBU application including: - women choosing to not reveal their status as mothers to the authorities and making their own 'informal' care arrangements; - women not expecting to receive a custodial sentence at court so are unprepared for making the necessary care arrangements, including MBU application; - women being traumatised when they arrive in prison creating a difficult context in which to absorb information about their child placement options; - the trauma of arrival in prison causing a mother's breast milk to dry up thus having a detrimental impact on the bond with their baby, and making it less likely that they will seek to keep their baby with them; - mothers feeling like they are 'choosing' their baby over their older children who may be living with relatives in the community, should they apply for an MBU place; - women being inadequately informed about the provision available in MBUs and the benefits of residing in one; - some social workers working within a 'pro-separation' model which focuses on finding alternative care for children rather than exploring fully the possibility of MBU placement; - mothers viewing themselves as incapable of effective parenting and their babies as being better off without them; - women may be under pressure from family members to leave their babies in the community.

Details: Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Hallam University, Hallam Centre for Community Justice, 2015. 81p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 3, 2016 at: https://www.shu.ac.uk/research/hccj/sites/hccj/files/enhancing-care-childbearing-women-babies-prison.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.shu.ac.uk/research/hccj/sites/hccj/files/enhancing-care-childbearing-women-babies-prison.pdf

Shelf Number: 137756

Children of Prisoners
Female Inmates
Female Prisoners (U.K.)
Pregnant Inmates
Prison Health Services
Prison Nurseries

Author: MacNamara, Catherine

Title: Improving Prison Conditions by Strengthening the Monitoring of HIV, HCV, TB and Harm Reduction

Summary: This report, published April 2016, forms part of the EU co-funded project "Improving Prison Conditions by Strengthening Infectious Disease Monitoring" implemented under the lead of Harm Reduction International in 2015 and 2016. The project aims to reduce ill-treatment of persons in detention and improve prison conditions through improved and standardised monitoring and inspection mechanisms on HIV, HCV and TB. The current report, written by Catherine MacNamara, Lorraine Varley and Patricia Mannix McNamara, presents the mapping situation in Ireland. Prisons and other places of detention are high-risk environments for the transmission of these diseases. This is related to the over-incarceration of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups who carry a disproportionately high burden of disease and ill-health; the criminalisation of drug users and high levels of injecting drug use; overcrowded and substandard prison conditions; inadequate health care; and the denial of harm reduction services. Over the past 20 years, from an Irish perspective, there has been significant improvement in medical services for the prison population. The Irish Prison Service (IPS) has made significant investment since 1999 in better healthcare facilities for prisoners. In 2001 the IPS introduced drug treatment plans and healthcare plans, Hep B vaccine was made accessible to prisoners, nurses were employed, drug free units were expanded, and methadone treatment was implemented. In 2006 the IPS published a drugs policy Keeping drugs out of prison. However, there still remains a lack of information available that would assist public authorities in making decisions with regards to these services. While some progress has been made in the adoption of monitoring mechanisms for infectious diseases in Irish prisons, this progress is arguably less than sufficient or consistent in meeting the standards of human rights-based prison monitoring. The absence of adequate medical services in prisons can contribute to, or even constitute, conditions that meet the threshold of ill treatment. Presently, to our knowledge, inspection of infectious diseases is not formally included in the criteria for inspection of places of detention. Prison monitoring is often separated from health care inspection guidelines, leaving gaps in terms of coherent recording and monitoring. This separation is less than optimal in terms of services being positioned to provide an effective and coherent national response to prisoner need.This report is part of a larger international project that seeks to address this gap.

Details: Dublin: Irish Prison Reform Trust, 2016. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 11, 2016 at: http://www.iprt.ie/files/PrisonProjectReport_Ireland_web_A41.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Ireland

URL: http://www.iprt.ie/files/PrisonProjectReport_Ireland_web_A41.pdf

Shelf Number: 139600

Prison Conditions
Prison Health Services
Prisoner Health