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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

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Results for prison rape elimination act

1 results found

Author: Listwan, Shelley Johnson

Title: The Prison Experience and Reentry: Examining the Impact of Victimization on Coming Home

Summary: With the adoption of the Prison Rape Elimination Act in 2003, institutions around the country began developing policies and procedures related to the detection, prevention, and elimination of sexual victimization in prison. The research, however, was in its infancy and little was known regarding the context, severity, and impact of victimization on a variety of outcomes. This study explored the impact of emotional, physical, and/or sexual victimization on inmates who were returning to the community. Few, if any studies have explored the additive effect victimization may have on an already difficult transition period for offenders. The study hypothesized that victimization intensified mental health problems and criminal behavior. Recently released prisoners from twenty-two halfway houses and prisons in Ohio, were selected for this study. Standardized instruments were utilized to assess the inmates’ psychological status in various areas, including but not limited to post-traumatic cognitions, depression, anxiety, social support, coping, and criminality. The final analysis compared recidivism rates between those who report having been victimized and those who have reported not being victimization. The findings from this study have implications for policy and practice. For example, by examining patterns of victimization, administrators may be able to develop strategies towards identifying those at risk for victimization even in an inmate who has not come forward, thereby facilitating early, needed interventions. Early detection and intervention could significantly reduce the negative impact of victimization on inmates. Additionally, this study provides support for expanding the types of services provided to incarcerated individuals, both in the institution and after release. It is important that practitioners identify and comprehend the impact that victimization can have on reentry, short- and long-term.

Details: Kent, OH: Institute for the Study and Prevention of Violence, Kent State University, 2012. 175p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 13, 2012 at: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/238083.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/238083.pdf

Shelf Number: 125609

Prison Rape Elimination Act
Prisoner Reentry (U.S.)
Prisoner Sexual Assault
Rape in Prison
Sexual Victimization, Prisoners