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Results for prison violence (barbados)

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Author: Cooke, David J.

Title: Violence in Barbados Prisons: past, Present, and Future

Summary: On March 30 2005, according to local media reports, a fight broke out among a small group of prisoners in HMP Glendairy, Barbados. The fight, reportedly a retaliatory response by a group of younger prisoners on the perpetrator of a sexual assault on one of their number, was the catalyst for widespread prisoner disruption. Over the next three days, this single violent incident escalated to the point where a significant proportion of the prisoner population ─ which stood at the time at just over 1000 ─ took control of the prison and systematically engaged in a campaign of widespread destruction and arson. The consequence of this three-day riot was that the prison was damaged to such an extent that it was no longer habitable and Barbados lost its only prison. It is tempting to look for an explanation for such events in the actions of individual prisoners, and while there is no doubt that the events were sparked by individual action, our interviews with prisoners and staff would lead us to conclude that the reasons are more complex than that. Many prisoners chose to become part of the disruption because a sense of injustice pervaded the prison, a sense of injustice about the operation of the justice system in Barbados and the functioning of the regime in Glendairy. The main body of this report will explore these situational factors in more detail; this short section will set out our observations.

Details: Ottawa: International Corrections and Prisons Association, 2007. 3 vols.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 17, 2012 at: http://www.icpa.ca/tools/download/477/Violence_in_Barbados:_Past,_Present_and_Future

Year: 2007

Country: Barbados

URL: http://www.icpa.ca/tools/download/477/Violence_in_Barbados:_Past,_Present_and_Future

Shelf Number: 126061

Collective Violence
Correctional Administration
Prison Violence (Barbados)
Victimization in Prisons