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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

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Results for prison-based treatment programs

1 results found

Author: Smallbone, Stephen

Title: Outcomes of Queensland Corrective Services Sexual Offender Treatment Programs

Summary: The authors were engaged by Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) in March 2009 to conduct an independent outcome evaluation of QCS prison-based sexual offender programs. The evaluation set out to answer two main questions: 1. do QCS sexual offender programs produce discernable and intended therapeutic effects, and 2. do these programs produce positive effects on recidivism? The evaluation also set out to answer a number of secondary questions, namely: 1. does the effectiveness of treatment vary according to offender characteristics (e.g. for offenders with child versus adult victims; for Indigenous and non-Indigenous offenders; for higher- or lower-risk offenders), and 2. are treatment effects moderated by post-release circumstances (e.g. release with or without community supervision)? Risk assessment and recidivism data were obtained on 409 adult males who had served a term of imprisonment for a sexual offence, and who were discharged between April 2005 and June 2008. Recidivism data were obtained from searches of QCS and Queensland Police Service records between April 2005 and the ‘census’ date of 14 September 2009. Additional clinical data were obtained on 158 offenders who had completed a treatment program. Time-at-risk ranged from 15 months to 53 months, with an average of 29 months. Intermediate treatment outcomes were analysed by comparing pre- and post-treatment scores on a range of offender- and therapist-reported measures for the treated group (n = 158). Intermediate outcomes are reported in terms of both statistical significance and clinical significance. Longer-term treatment outcomes were analysed by comparing treated (n = 158) and untreated offenders (n = 251) on sexual recidivism, nonsexual violent recidivism, and non-violent recidivism. Because these two groups differed on static risk measures, comparisons are reported with and without statistically controlling for these differences.

Details: Brisbane: Queensland Corrective Services, 2010. 81p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 31, 2012 at: http://www.correctiveservices.qld.gov.au/Publications/Corporate_Publications/Reviews_and_Reports/Final%20Report_%20Outcomes%20of%20QCS%20Sexual%20Off%20Treatment%20Program.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.correctiveservices.qld.gov.au/Publications/Corporate_Publications/Reviews_and_Reports/Final%20Report_%20Outcomes%20of%20QCS%20Sexual%20Off%20Treatment%20Program.pdf

Shelf Number: 125818

Correctional Treatment Programs
Prison-Based Treatment Programs
Sex Offender Treatment Programs
Sex Offenders (Australia)