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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 8:11 pm

Results for prisoner re-entry

1 results found

Author: Klein, Joyce

Title: Prison to Proprietor: Entrepreneurship as a Re-Entry Strategy

Summary: Returning individuals face substantial hurdles in securing work including limited resumes, employer perceptions regarding those who have served time in prison, and legal restrictions that limit the hiring of individuals with certain classes of convictions. As a result, recidivism rates are high as formerly-incarcerated individuals are left with few options for employment. Given the disproportionate rate of incarceration among Blacks and Latinos, the inability to successfully re-enter the community also disproportionately affects communities already suffering from low levels of wealth and income. During the past decade, a small but growing number of funders have supported organizations developing programs that use business ownership and entrepreneurship to support successful re-entry into the community. Some programs work with individuals while they are still in prison, helping them to prepare for their release. Others work with returning individuals who have found some sort of stability and are seeking to create a business that can offer the potential to generate greater wealth, flexibility, and potential for economic mobility than a low-wage job. Mostly funded by philanthropy, these initiatives show great promise in reducing recidivism and enabling returning community members to generate income. This brief examines how connecting formerly-incarcerated individuals who are returning to the community to entrepreneurship can provide a second chance at opportunity. By analyzing research findings and several programs that currently serve individuals returning to communities, this paper discusses why grantmakers, particularly asset funders concerned with issues of racial equity, should take a closer look at this strategy while also providing recommendations for action.

Details: Evanston, IL: Asset Funders Network, 2016. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 17, 2016 at: http://assetfunders.org/images/pages/AFN_2016_Prison_to_Proprietor.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: http://assetfunders.org/images/pages/AFN_2016_Prison_to_Proprietor.pdf

Shelf Number: 147926

Ex-Offender Employment
Prisoner Re-Entry