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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 8:17 pm

Results for prisoner reentry (australia)

2 results found

Author: Bailey, Brenda

Title: No Exit Into Homeless Still a Dream? The Housing Needs of Women Leaving Prison

Summary: This discussion paper is a response to the experience of women participating in the WIPAN Mentoring Program, that matches mentors from the community with women exiting prison. Program participants reported the most difficult issue when trying to reintegrate into the community was the lack of access to suitable, long term housing. This personal experience is matched by what is known about the factors that support women reintegrating into the community – that housing is one of the most important factors. Without suitable supported housing options, women releasees are at an increased risk of cycling in and out of prison.

Details: Sydney: Women in Prison Advocacy Network, 2011. 18p.

Source: Internet Resource: Discussion Paper: Accessed September 1, 2011 at: http://www.wipan.net.au/publications/WIPAN_Housing_Discussion_Paper.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.wipan.net.au/publications/WIPAN_Housing_Discussion_Paper.pdf

Shelf Number: 122584

Ex-Offenders, Female
Prisoner Reentry (Australia)

Author: Trotter, Chris

Title: Evaluation of Programs for Support of Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners

Summary: In 2006 representatives from four community sector organisations, Melbourne Citymission, Whitelion, Prison Network Ministries and Prison Fellowship Victoria - Australia commissioned researchers from the Monash University Criminal Justice Research Consortium, to undertake an evaluation of prison transition programs conducted by each of the four agencies. The purpose of the research was to evaluate the effectiveness of transitional support programs and develop an evidence base that would assist the agencies to advocate for transitional support for people exiting prison. The report highlights the most effective approaches in delivery of pre and post release programs and interventions. It underlines the importance of programs that provide holistic support to people exiting prison, pro-social modelling, and assistance to develop problem solving with a focus on goals settings. The report also acknowledges the significance on the worker client relationship in achieving positive outcomes. Partnerships between services are also recognised as critical to the success of these pre and post release programs. The authors also argue that these programs should be offered to medium to high risk clients.

Details: Clayton, VIC: Monash University, Criminal Justice Research Consortium, 2009. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 5, 2013 at: http://www.whitelion.asn.au/files/publications/Transition_Evaluation_final_revised_7_July_2009.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.whitelion.asn.au/files/publications/Transition_Evaluation_final_revised_7_July_2009.pdf

Shelf Number: 127831

Prisoner Reentry (Australia)