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Results for prisoner reentry (oregon)

2 results found

Author: Close, Daniel W.

Title: The District of Oregon Reentry Court: Evaluation, Policy Recommendations, and Replication Strategies

Summary: The District of Oregon Reentry Court is a court-involved, evidence-based program in which voluntary participants under federal supervision commit to individualized plans emphasizing sobriety, employment, and constructive problem-solving. The program encourages participants to develop a high and sustained level of satisfaction with a productive and prosocial lifestyle and thereby desist from crime and substance abuse. Participants engage in self-assessment monthly, with each other and the reentry court team (composed of a district court judge, assistant U.S. attorney, assistant federal public defender, probation officer, and treatment services personnel), who issue rewards and sanctions matched to each participant’s level of progress. The reentry court team encourages participants to access an array of services designed to meet particular reentry needs. Successful participants maintain 12 months of sobriety and receive a reduction in their terms of supervision. The model was developed in 2006, as a strategy for addressing recidivism among drug-involved offenders. The program underwent a thorough evaluation in 2008. The accompanying study sets forth a description of the model, its basis in evidence, and a manual for its replication and customization.

Details: Portland, OR: United States District Court, District of Oregon, 2009?. 149p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 12, 2011 at: http://www.ussc.gov/Education_and_Training/Annual_National_Training_Seminar/2009/008c_Reentry_Court_Doc.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United States

URL: http://www.ussc.gov/Education_and_Training/Annual_National_Training_Seminar/2009/008c_Reentry_Court_Doc.pdf

Shelf Number: 122380

Drug Offenders
Prisoner Reentry (Oregon)
Problem-Solving Courts
Treatment Programs

Author: Officer, Kelly

Title: Offender Reentry Programs Preliminary Evaluation

Summary: Offender Reentry Programs in Oregon are funded through the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program to increase community-based services and resources to offenders transitioning from Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) substance abuse and co-occurring residential treatment programs. The program was originally funded in four counties in Oregon over a two year period from April 1, 2009 to March 30, 2011. This preliminary evaluation of the Offender Reentry Programs includes program participants who were released from prison between May 2009 and September 2010. A comparable control group was composed of offenders who successfully completed substance abuse treatment while incarcerated at a DOC institution and were released to a program county before the Offender Reentry Program was implemented. Both arrest and charge outcomes were analyzed for this preliminary evaluation. The time from release for each offender is between four and 22 months, with an average of about 14 months. The analysis shows that offenders who participated in the Offender Reentry Program had a 33% drop in recidivism as measured by re-arrest compared to offenders who did not participate in the program. Participants in the program also show a 27% drop in recidivism as measured by overall charges and a 33% drop in recidivism as measured by felony charges. This preliminary evaluation shows that the Offender Reentry Program is effective at reducing recidivism and a follow-up evaluation with a longer time to recidivate and a larger sample size is planned.

Details: Salem, OR: Oregon Criminal Justice Commission, 2011. 11p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 16, 2011 at: http://www.oregon.gov/CJC/docs/Reentry_Eval_Final.pdf?ga=t

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.oregon.gov/CJC/docs/Reentry_Eval_Final.pdf?ga=t

Shelf Number: 122407

Prisoner Reentry (Oregon)