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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:59 am

Results for prisoners (scotland)

1 results found

Author: Scottish Parliament. Justice Committee

Title: 5th Report, 2013 (Session 4): Inquiry Into Purposeful Activity in Prisons

Summary: 1. The Justice Committee believes that the effective rehabilitation of offenders is vital in order to reduce crime levels, reduce the economic and social costs of crime and help create a safer Scotland. It also enables those individuals who have offended, for a variety of reasons, to choose a better life for themselves, their families and communities. 2. A key element of rehabilitation is the recognition of those factors which cause some people to offend and the appropriate level of support to help them develop the skills, experiences and confidence to address these factors and change their behaviour. The Committee recognises that this process takes time and resources. The Committee also recognises, however, that evidence shows this process works. In addition, the Committee believes that this time and those resources can be justified given the significant time and resources currently spent by the police, courts, prison service and wider criminal justice system in connection with reoffending. 3. The Committee believes that, as well as punishing offenders by taking away their liberty, the prison system has an important role to play in rehabilitating offenders. In fact, rehabilitation must start in prison and, to be most effective, must also continue after release when, most often, offenders are back in the environment where they committed their crimes. 4. Purposeful activities, of an educational, counselling, work nature and such others as family contact, are a fundamental element of the rehabilitation process. They can help prisoners address any personal issues that may have contributed to their offending behaviour and help develop the working routine, education, skills and experience necessary to find employment on release and lead a stable, non-offending life. 5. The recommendations of the Committee are included.

Details: Edinburgh: Scottish Parliament, 2013. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 6, 2013 at: http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/S4_JusticeCommittee/Reports/jur-13-05w.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/S4_JusticeCommittee/Reports/jur-13-05w.pdf

Shelf Number: 128301

Correctional Programs
Prisoners (Scotland)
Rehabilitation Programs
Vocational Education and Training