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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:59 am

Results for prisoners (united kingdom)

1 results found

Author: Brooker, Charlie

Title: Mental Health Services and Prisoners: An Updated Review

Summary: The broad aim of the 2001 review, as originally commissioned, was to undertake a systematic review of the primary and secondary research related to the mental health of prisoners. This was to appraise work relevant to the development of prison primary care services, NHS community mental health services in-reaching into prisons, the clients to be referred and the services provided. The review was to identify gaps in knowledge that might inform a prison mental health services research agenda. The original proposal in 2001 had bid for a three-phase approach to include a review of reviews; a review of the effectiveness literature and a review of models of good practice. The Steering Group modified this approach to include an epidemiological review of mental disorders in prisons and a review of effective mental health interventions to be obtained from relevant up to date review and syntheses. In addition, a stakeholder conference was arranged to consult on the findings and to add clarity to the recommendations. The review’s final structure emerged as the literature search proceeded. Over, 2,500 papers were identified and following blind selection by three reviewers 392 papers were obtained, reviewed and categorised. This led to further changes. The review of reviews was abandoned due to insufficient material. The section on ‘Good Practice’ was extended and renamed ‘Service Delivery and Organisation’. This review was then updated in 2006 by a team at the University of Lincoln who identified a further possibly relevant 4335 papers then obtained 198 of them, which they reviewed and categorised under the original headings.

Details: Lincoln, United Kingdom: Centre for Clinical and Academic Workforce Innovation, University of Lincoln, 2007. 130p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed on January 26, 2012 at http://eprints.lincoln.ac.uk/2523/1/Systematic_Review_(FINAL).pdf

Year: 2007

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://eprints.lincoln.ac.uk/2523/1/Systematic_Review_(FINAL).pdf

Shelf Number: 123778

Mental Health, Inmates (U.K.)
Prison Administration
Prisoners (United Kingdom)