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Results for prisons (bulgaria)

1 results found

Author: Yordanova, Maria

Title: Penitentiary Policy and System in the Republic of Bulgaria

Summary: The analysis of the legal framework of the prison system, of the state and specific problems of that system, as well as the empirical studies conducted, demonstrate the need of further development of the penitentiary reform as part of the reform of penal legislation and of criminal justice. This implies continued alignment of national legislation with European standards, accompanied by comprehensive practical modernization and humanization of the penitentiary system. The recommendations outline some important guidelines in this respect. In principle, such reforms require considerable costs which, however, can be optimized by introducing a balanced complex of measures, including abolition of the penal sanction of imprisonment for less serious offences and expanding the scope of application of non-custodial measures, shortening the term of custodial sentences, a broader reasoned application of the mechanisms of suspended sentencing, release on parole etc. On the other hand, the costs of “investments” in the reform must match the “benefits” they are supposed to generate. The most important indicators of the benefits of the reforms and of the effectiveness of the penitentiary system are reduction of crime at large and of recidivism in particular, successful reintegration of prisoners after service of the sentence, as well as enhancement of public security. Special attention must be paid to intervention for drug-using or drug-dependent prisoners. Drug distribution and drug use are a serious problem not only for criminal justice and the penitentiary system but a serious social problem in its own right. There is a pressing need of an integral and consistent State policy in this area, including, among other things, a complex of measures vis-`а-vis drugdependent prisoners, applicable both while such persons serve their sentence and after their release. Inspections, monitoring and independent civic oversight, as well as the publicity of their results, are and will continue to be an important guarantee of control over the further progress of the penitentiary reform and over the all-round functioning of the penitentiary system.

Details: Sofia, Bulgaria: Center for the Study of Democracy, 2011. 108p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 27, 2012 at: http://www.csd.bg/fileSrc.php?id=20419

Year: 2011

Country: Bulgaria

URL: http://www.csd.bg/fileSrc.php?id=20419

Shelf Number: 124292

Correctional Administration
Correctional Institutions
Prison Administration
Prison Reform
Prisons (Bulgaria)