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Results for private police

4 results found

Author: Strom, Kevin

Title: The Private Security Industry: A Review of the Definitions, Available Data Sources, and Paths Moving Forward

Summary: The private security industry is a crucial component of security and safety in the United States and abroad. Today, private security is responsible not only for protecting many of the nation‘s institutions and critical infrastructure systems, but also for protecting intellectual property and sensitive corporate information. U.S. companies also rely heavily on private security for a wide range of functions, including protecting employees and property, conducting investigations, performing pre-employment screening, providing information technology security, and many other functions. In the past four decades, a series of reports and studies have examined private security agencies and personnel (i.e., Kakalik & Wildhorn, 1971a, 1971b, 1971c, 1971d; Cunningham, Taylor, & Hallcrest Systems, Inc., 1985; Cunningham, Strauchs, Van Meter, & Hallcrest Systems, Inc., 1990). These studies helped redefine the roles of private security and documented the growth and trends in the industry as a whole. However, these studies have become outdated, and there continues to be a significant need for more detailed and timely information, especially when considering the increasing range of roles played by private security. Moreover, the survey methodologies employed by some prior data collection efforts have produced data that are not generalizable to the population or that are potentially subject to nonresponse bias. Therefore, how well one can use these sources to make inference to private security as a whole is unknown. Currently, there is no existing data source that provides detailed information about private security—beyond basic demographics—that is not methodologically flawed due to the design or high nonresponse rates. The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), an independent statistical agency located within the U.S. Department of Justice, launched a design project to assess the feasibility of conducting a National Private Security Survey (NPSS). This report was developed as part of the design work. It provides a review of the literature on private security, including major trends, demographics, collaborations with law enforcement, budgeting and licensing, legal authority and powers within private security, and security operations. The report also presents an analysis of the availability and quality of secondary data on private security including a review of all available private security data from government sources, commercial sources, and research or academic sources. As part of this review, the report examines the methodology used to collect data on the private security industry and provides an assessment of the data quality. The review suggests that suitable data are available on certain aspects of the private security industry. However, some components of the private security industry have not been studied in detail, while others have been studied but the existing data are either inconsistent or outdated. Based on the review, the following conclusions were generated: 1) Employee Demographics. Overall, high-quality demographic data have been collected in existing surveys; however, variations in the survey methodology and definitions of private security across these surveys produced some discrepancies in the estimates. 2) Budgeting and licensing. Budgeting and licensing information on contract security firms was substantial, compared to information for companies with a proprietary security force. 3) Private security powers. An insufficient amount of comprehensive data has been collected on private security powers; therefore, there is a significant need for information in this area. 4) Security operations. One of two secondary data sources provided information on security operations topics. Although one of the survey designs was methodologically sound, the response rate created a potential for biased estimates. As a result of these findings, we offer the following recommendations for the design and implementation of a national survey of the private security industry: 1) Develop a clear definition of private security. When conducting a national data collection effort such as the NPSS, a succinct definition of private security should be developed with an understanding that the definition used may result in the collection of data that are different from those currently available. 2) Cover a broad range of topics. A targeted, national study of the private security industry should cover a broad range of topics in order to minimize any potential measurement error caused by combining data from multiple sources that use different definitions of private security. Therefore, it is important that a future study not only fill in the recognized information gaps on private security (e.g., private security powers and security operations), but also obtain reliable and updated statistics, such as employee demographics, that are sufficiently covered by other surveys. 3) Utilize a rigorous data collection methodology. Future studies should also seek to address methodological and response rate challenges that affected past data collection efforts. This should include the development of a national sampling frame that provides more representative coverage of the companies to which inference will be drawn. Furthermore, procedures must include non-response follow-up to ensure a reasonable response rate. 4) Conduct the survey periodically. Studies that examine private security consistently over time would provide a significant advantage. This could be achieved either by examining a cohort of companies over time or drawing a new nationally representative sample of companies each time the data collection is fielded. Regardless of the approach, a set of studies conducted over time will better inform how private security changes in the size and characteristics of the industry, as well as the changing role and function of private security in the United States. These trends in the industry have both economic and policy implications. In summary, this report provides recommendations for how future data collection efforts, such as the NPSS, can build on past efforts to increase knowledge of the private security industry and yield higher quality and more consistent data over time. The relevance of private security to our criminal justice system and to our nation‘s safety and security requires that we collect more consistent and timely information on the private security industry. This should include tracking of the functions and roles of private security as well as their intersection with policing, corrections, homeland security, and other relevant areas. By building on and improving upon past data collection efforts, we can ensure that the information that is collected is accurate, generalizable, and useful to the private security field, as well as to federal agencies and policymakers, and others with an interest in private security data.

Details: Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI International, 2010. 98p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 7, 2011 at: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/bjs/grants/232781.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/bjs/grants/232781.pdf

Shelf Number: 120695

Private Police
Private Security

Author: MacDonald, John M.

Title: The Effect of Privately Provided Police Services on Crime

Summary: Research demonstrates that police reduce crime. The implication of this research for investment in a particular form of extra police services, those provided by private institutions, has not been rigorously examined. We capitalize on the discontinuity in police force size at the geographic boundary of a private university police department to estimate the effect of the extra police services on crime. Extra police provided by the university generate approximately 45-60 percent fewer crimes in the surrounding neighborhood. These effects appear to be similar to other estimates in the literature.

Details: Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Law School; Erasmus School of Law; PERC - Property and Environment Research Center, 2012. 26p.

Source: Internet Resource: University of Pennsylvania, Institute for Law & Economics Research Paper No. 12-36 : Accessed May 13, 2015 at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2171038

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2171038

Shelf Number: 135871

Campus Police
Campus Security
Police Effectiveness
Private Police
Private Security

Author: Lubbe, Lindy-Lee

Title: A Competency Model for Security Officers: A Qualitative Design

Summary: Crime is rife in South Africa. Explanations abound for the high crime statistics, including the weakening of the family unit, the political history of South Africa, urbanisation and the fast growing urban neighbourhood, a weak criminal justice system and the abundant availability of firearms. In the quest to prevent crime, the private security industry has become a key performer in helping to deter and prevent crime and criminal activities. Yet there are no set criteria for selecting security officers against the backdrop of the high crime rates and a growing private security sector. Therefore the purpose was to develop a competency model for the selection of security officers for the safekeeping and protection of persons and property in the Thaba Tshwane area. I chose to do qualitative research using an interpretive approach in an attempt to understand the views of the participants concerning the work context and requirements of security officers. A grounded theory approach to the strategy of inquiry was employed as it was best suited to keeping the information that was gathered grounded in the participants' own opinions. The focus of this research was on designing a competency model for security officers for selection purposes. Data were gathered through disciplinary records and open-ended structured interviews where the repertory grid and the behavioural event interview were applied.Eight subject matter experts, who included security officers, managers and a client working in the security industry, were used. The result of the study was a competency model of nine competencies and their definitions, which were grounded in the data and critical in functioning as an efficient security officer.

Details: Pretoria: University of South Africa, 2010. 156p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed July 25, 2016 at: http://uir.unisa.ac.za/handle/10500/4608

Year: 2010

Country: South Africa

URL: http://uir.unisa.ac.za/handle/10500/4608

Shelf Number: 139831

Private Police
Private Security
Security Officers

Author: Bedard, Mathieu

Title: Private Reinforcements for Public Police Forces?

Summary: Policing costs have been rising for 25 years in Canada, while the number of criminal incidents per officer has fallen. These growing costs can be explained in part by an increase in the number of police officers, which has certainly contributed to a reduction in the crime rate, but also by the fact that those officers perform a growing number of tasks. In order to contain these rising costs while ensuring the same quality and scope of public safety services, the work of police officers should be refocused on their essential duties, and other categories of personnel should be employed wherever possible. Some efforts have already been made in this direction, among other things by entrusting police cadets with certain foot patrol or bicycle duties, and by getting them to help during outdoor events. The next step in controlling costs is to call on private security companies, which can under certain circumstances supply qualified personnel who are less expensive than police officers.

Details: Montreal: Montreal Economic Institute , 2015. 4p.

Source: Internet Resource: Economic Notes: Accessed September 27, 2017 at: http://www.iedm.org/files/note0115_en.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.iedm.org/files/note0115_en.pdf

Shelf Number: 147478

Costs of Criminal Justice
Private Police
Private Security
Security Officers