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Results for problem-oriented policing (new york city)

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Author: Smith, Dennis C.

Title: An Empirical Assessment of NYPD's "Operation Impact": A Targeted Zone Crime Reduction Strategy

Summary: About a decade ago one of the leading students of policing in America, David Bayley in a widely-praised book, Police for the Future, wrote "The Police do not prevent crime. This is one of the best kept secrets of modern life. Experts know it, the police know it, yet the police pretend that they are society's best defense against crime." In making this observation about the "myth" that police prevent crime Bayley was echoing the conclusion written more than two decades earlier of another distinguished expert, James Q. Wilson, who wrote in his pioneering empirical study of eight police departments, Varieties of Police Behavior, that the police administrator "is in the unhappy position of being responsible for an organization that lacks a proven technology for achieving its purpose". Bayley was in the position to go further than Wilson and base his conclusion on research that "consistently failed to find any connection between the number of police officers and crime rates," and studies of "primary strategies adopted by modern police" that found "little or no effect on crime". In the past decade and a half in the crime laboratory called New York City, these dire assessments of the plight of the police and by extension of the public have undergone a substantial revision. At the time Bayley published his commentary on the myth of police efficacy in preventing crime, New York City had used new police resources provided by Safe Streets, Safe City and a new police strategy called "community policing" to begin a reversal of an upward crime trend that had lasted more than a decade, and peaked in 1990 with more than 2,200 homicides. In 1993, a new anti-corruption system that would over time produce a two-thirds reduction in complaints of police corruption had been designed and implemented by then Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly, and in 1994 a new management system at the City, Borough, and Precinct level was being introduced that committed the police to fighting crime as the highest priority. Since then, crime has dramatically declined in every borough and every precinct in the City. The remarkable achievement of crime reductions achieved from 1988 though 2001, led many to question whether it would be possible for a new administration to continue the relentless downward trend in crime. The fear that crime had been brought down as much as was possible was not entirely unreasonable. Criminologists have long tracked the cyclical nature of crime patterns, and most people instinctively understand the economic concept of a "declining marginal return on investment," the idea that "low hanging fruit" are found and harvested first, and that the challenges of production grow increasingly more difficult after that. For those who firmly believe, despite evidence, that the economy in New York rebounded after crime came down, that economic trends explain the crime rate, the economic downturn following the 911 attack further fueled pessimism about the prospects of continuing the successful fight against crime in New York. Across the United States, the skepticism expressed in New York has been validated in cities large and small. After a decade long decline in crime in America's big cities, recent national crime statistics show a disturbing upward turn. An October, 2006, Police Executive Research Forum report, "A Gathering Storm: Violent Crime in America," documents that shift, which it finds became evident in the 2005 crime statistics. New York City, which led the national decline, is an exception to this much noted reversal. The New York Times reported in late March, 2007, homicides in New York City were averaging fewer than one per day. Although by the end of May, with the City was recording slightly more than one murder per day, the trend is downward by almost 17% in the first five months of the year. As of the end of May, 2007, NYPD showed an almost 9% drop in total major crimes for the year to date. When crime declined over the past decade, some criminologists pointed to declines in other cities, even though they were less than New York's, to say that NYC was part of a national trend, and thus discounted claims that anything special had been accomplished by NYPD. Now that New York is clearly not following the national pattern, attention returns to the question: what is New York doing to reduce crime?

Details: New York: New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, 2007. 58p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 7, 2015 at: http://urbanizationproject.org/uploads/blog/Dennis_Smith_Impact_Zone_Policing_Report.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: United States

URL: http://urbanizationproject.org/uploads/blog/Dennis_Smith_Impact_Zone_Policing_Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 135165

Crime Prevention
Focused Deterrence
Problem-Oriented Policing (New York City)