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Date: October 20, 2024 Sun

Time: 1:17 am

Results for product piracy

1 results found

Author: International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

Title: Roles and Responsibilities of Intermediaries: Fighting Counterfeiting and Piracy in the Supply Chain

Summary: Millions of intermediaries are operating throughout the global supply chain and the vast majority of these players are conscientious, trustworthy and reliable partners. ICC's own membership includes millions of companies: many are brand and copyright owners; many are intermediaries; and others have no direct interest or link to the topics covered in this paper. So while this paper does not and cannot reflect the views of all ICC members, nor is it a consensus of the global business community, it has undertaken to ensure accuracy, balance and consistency with ICC's long-standing opposition to counterfeiting and piracy, intellectual property rights infringement, unfair trade, illegal commerce and corruption. For the most part, this body of work substantiates actions intermediaries are already taking independently or in collaboration with rights holders and government authorities to deal with supply chain vulnerabilities. Where these current efforts have been inadequate in protecting against IP infringements, suggestions for better or best practices are put forward. The result is a product that challenges the status quo and offers a roadmap for discussion, collaboration and resolution. We offer the findings and suggested best practices as a springboard for an ongoing dialog among trademark and copyright owners, intermediaries and governments to find solutions to the infiltration of counterfeiting and piracy into the legitimate supply chain. Our hope is that the suggested best practices will help responsible intermediaries more effectively deal with vulnerabilities in their operations and encourage intermediaries who knowingly facilitate IP infringement to stop.

Details: Paris: ICC and BASCAP, 2015. 108p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 16, 2015 at: http://www.gacg.org/Content/Upload/Documents/2015%20BASCAP%20Intermediares_HR%20(1)%20(1).pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: http://www.gacg.org/Content/Upload/Documents/2015%20BASCAP%20Intermediares_HR%20(1)%20(1).pdf

Shelf Number: 137197

Counterfeit Goods
Counterfeit Products
Crimes Against Businesses
Product Counterfeiting
Product Piracy
Supply Chains