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Results for prostitution (u.s.)

4 results found

Author: Edlund, Lena

Title: The Wages of Sin

Summary: Edlund and Korn [2002] (EK) proposed that prostitutes are well paid and that the wage premium reflects foregone marriage market opportunities. However, studies of street prostitution in the U.S. have revealed only modest wages and considerable risks of disease and violence, casting doubt on EK’s premise of an unexplained wage premium. In this paper, we present evidence from high-end prostitution, the so called escort market, a market that is, if not entirely safe, notably safer than street prostitution. Analyzing wage information on more than 40,000 escorts in the U.S. and Canada collected from a web site, we find strong support for EK. First, escorts in the sample earn high wages, on average $280/hour. Second, while looks decline monotonically with age, wages follow a hump-shaped pattern, with a peak in the 26-30 age bracket, which coincides with the most intensive marriage ages for women in the U.S. Third, the age-wage profile is significantly flatter, and prices are lower (5%), despite slightly better escort characteristics, in cities that rank high in terms of conferences, suggesting that servicing men in transit is associated with less stigma. Fourth, this hump in the age-wage profile is absent among escorts for whom the marriage market penalty is lower or absent: escorts who do not provide sex and transsexuals.

Details: New York: Columbia University, Department of Economics, 2009. 29p.

Source: Internet Resource: Department of Economics Discussion Paper No. 0809-16: Accessed May 22, 2012 at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1413899

Year: 2009

Country: United States

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1413899

Shelf Number: 125268

Economics of Prostitution
Escort Services
Prostitution (U.S.)

Author: Shively, Michael

Title: A National Overview of Prostitution and Sex Trafficking Demand Reduction Efforts

Summary: To combat prostitution and human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, criminal justice interventions and collaborative programs have emerged that focus on reducing demand for commercial sex. In a prior study, Abt Associates found that the use of anti-demand approaches was more widespread throughout the United States than previously thought. We also found that little research or descriptive information was available about the vast majority of interventions. It was also evident that communities attempting to address demand had usually done so with little guidance from the collective experience of others; consequently, some initiatives had struggled or failed when faced with problems that had been solved elsewhere. This report is designed to provide a descriptive overview of initiatives targeting the demand for commercial sex in the United States. It describes the process of gathering the information in this (and other) reports, discusses specific initiatives, and highlights selected communities to illustrate how and why their members have endeavored to address prostitution and sex trafficking by combating demand. The report is intended to serve as an introduction for those considering applying antidemand tactics in their communities, and for those at the state government level who are considering policies, statutes, and infrastructure investments supporting local efforts.

Details: Cambridge, MA: Abt Associates, 2012. 245p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 2, 2012 at: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/238796.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/238796.pdf

Shelf Number: 125442

Human Trafficking
Prostitution (U.S.)
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Dank, Meredith

Title: Estimating the Size and Structure of the Underground Commercial Sex Economy in Eight Major US Cities

Summary: In 2010, the National Institute of Justice funded the Urban Institute's Justice Policy Center to measure the size and structure of the underground commercial sex economy in eight major US cities. The goals of this study were to: (1) derive a more rigorous estimate of the underground commercial sex economy (UCSE) in eight major US cities and (2) provide an understanding of the structure of this underground economy. To date, no reliable data exist to provide national or state policymakers with a verifiable and detailed understanding of underground commercial sex trade networks or the ways in which these networks interact with one another on the local, state, or interstate level. In addition, there is no information regarding the relationship between the UCSE and the local commercial sex trade or commercial sex activity conducted over the Internet. This study aimed to close the gap in our understanding about the nature and extent of these activities. Research Questions The study was guided by four main research questions: 1. How large is the underground commercial sex economy in eight major US cities? 2. To what extent are the underground commercial sex, drug, and weapons economies interconnected in the eight major US cities? 3. How do the ties between traffickers within the underground commercial sex economy impact the transportation of sex trafficking victims? 4. What are the network characteristics of the traffickers that operate within the underground commercial sex economy? Methodology The study employed a multi-method approach, using both qualitative and quantitative data, and data were collected in the following eight cities: San Diego, Seattle, Dallas, Denver, Washington, DC, Kansas City, Atlanta, and Miami. -- Existing datasets documenting the market changes for illegal drugs and weapons were analyzed to measure changes in these markets and estimate the overall size of these markets. This was done by measuring changes in a series of "proxy" variables, which we assumed to be proportional to underlying activity. Thus, official national datasets that measured some sort of drug and gun activities over a period of time were collected to measure these changes. Qualitative data was collected through interviews with 119 stakeholders and 142 convicted offenders, including local and federal law enforcement officers, prosecutors, pimps/sex traffickers, sex workers, and child pornographers. Stakeholders and offenders were interviewed about the structure of the UCSE, the profits generated through the UCSE, networking within the UCSE, and changes in the UCSE over time. Underground Commercial Sex Economy Key Findings "Sex sells" does little to explain the multi-million-dollar profits generated by the underground commercial sex economy. From high-end escort services to high school "sneaker pimps," the sex trade leaves no demographic unrepresented and circuits almost every major US city. What we know about the underground commercial sex economy is likely just the tip of the iceberg, but our study attempts to unveil its size and structure while documenting the experiences of offenders and law enforcement. Our study focused on eight US cities- Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, Kansas City, Miami, Seattle, San Diego, and Washington, DC. Across cities, the 2007 underground sex economy's worth was estimated between $39.9 and $290 million. While almost all types of commercial sex venues -- massage parlors, brothels, escort services, and street- and internet-based prostitution -- existed in each city, regional and demographic differences influenced their markets. Pimps and traffickers interviewed for the study took home between $5,000 and $32,833 a week. These actors form a notoriously difficult population to reach because of the criminal nature of their work. Our study presents data from interviews with 73 individuals charged and convicted for crimes including compelling prostitution, human trafficking and engaging in a business relationship with sex workers. Pimps claimed inaccuracy in media portrayals. Most pimps believed that the media portrayals exaggerated violence. Some even saw the term "pimp" as derogatory, despite admitting to occasional use of physical abuse for punishment. Although pimps may have underreported the use of physical violence, they did cite frequent use of psychological coercion to maintain control over their employees. Pimps manipulate women into sex work. From discouraging "having sex for free" to feigning romantic interest, pimps used a variety of tactics to recruit and retain employees. Some even credited their entry into pimping with a natural capacity for manipulation. Rarely, however, were pimps the sole influence for an individual's entry into the sex trade. Women, family, and friends facilitate entry into sex work. Female sex workers sometimes solicited protection from friends and acquaintances, eventually asking them to act as pimps. Some pimps and sex workers had family members or friends who exposed them to the sex trade at a young age, normalizing their decision to participate. Their involvement in the underground commercial sex economy, then extends the network of those co-engaged in the market even further. Unexpected parties benefit from the commercial sex economy. Pimps, brothels, and escort services often employed drivers, secretaries, nannies, and other non-sex workers to keep operations running smoothly. Hotel managers and law enforcement agents sometimes helped offenders evade prosecution in exchange for money or services. Law enforcement in one city reported that erotic Asian massage parlors would purchase the names of licensed acupuncturists to fake legitimacy. Even feuding gang members occasionally joined forces in the sex trade, prioritizing profit over turf wars. The most valuable network in the underground sex economy, however, may be the Internet. The Internet is changing the limitations of the trade. Prostitution is decreasing on the street, but thriving online. Pimps and sex workers advertise on social media and sites like Craigslist.com and Backpage.com to attract customers and new employees, and to gauge business opportunities in other cities. An increasing online presence makes it both easier for law enforcement to track activity in the underground sex economy and for an offender to promote and provide access to the trade. Child pornography is escalating. Explicit content of younger victims is becoming increasingly available and graphic. Online child pornography communities frequently trade content for free and reinforce behavior. Offenders often consider their participation a "victimless crime." The underground sex economy is perceived as low risk. Pimps, traffickers, and child pornography offenders believed that their crimes were low-risk despite some fears of prosecution. Those who got caught for child pornography generally had low technological know-how, and multiple pimp offenders expressed that "no one actually gets locked up for pimping," despite their own incarcerations. Policy and practice changes can help combat trafficking and prostitution. -- Cross-train drug, sex, and weapons trade investigators to better understand circuits and overlaps. -- Continue using federal and local partnerships to disrupt travel circuits and identify pimps. -- Offer law enforcement trainings for both victim and offender interview techniques, including identifying signs of psychological manipulation. -- Increase awareness among school officials and the general public about the realities of sex trafficking to deter victimization and entry. -- Consistently enforce the laws for offenders to diminish low-risk perception. -- Impose more fines for ad host websites.

Details: Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 2014. 348p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 14, 2014 at: http://www.urban.org/UploadedPDF/413047-Underground-Commercial-Sex-Economy.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: http://www.urban.org/UploadedPDF/413047-Underground-Commercial-Sex-Economy.pdf

Shelf Number: 132450

Child Pornography
Human Trafficking
Prostitution (U.S.)
Sex Trafficking
Sex Workers
Underground Economy

Author: Taylor, Julie Lynn

Title: Prostitution Policy and the Function of Silence: The Communicative Constitution of a Clandestine (Un)Organization

Summary: While often hailed as the world's oldest profession, prostitution is most commonly considered an illegal activity. As such, prostitution operates as a hidden organization relying on covert organizing processes in order to function. However, this reality begs the question of how hidden organizations operate and (re)produce. Through feminist post-structuralism and communication as constitutive to organizing, the research questions in this study ask how discourse(s) communicatively constitute prostitution and with what unintended consequences. Using local prostitution policies and in-depth interviews, data analysis revealed that policy-as-written and policy-as-practice are disparate in the communicative construction of organizing prostitution. Moreover, discourse is examined through both talk and silence. As a result systematic and pervasive silence(s) organized networks of prostitution in new ways. In the end, prostitution is highlighted as an organized network or rather an (un)organization.

Details: Salt Lake City: University of Utah, 2014. 196p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed October 15, 2014 at: http://content.lib.utah.edu/utils/getfile/collection/etd3/id/3098/filename/3099.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: http://content.lib.utah.edu/utils/getfile/collection/etd3/id/3098/filename/3099.pdf

Shelf Number: 133916

Prostitution (U.S.)
Sex Workers