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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:59 am

Results for public health programs

1 results found

Author: Catch

Title: Violence Prevention, Health Promotion: A public health approach to tackling youth violence

Summary: The publication of Ending Gang and Youth Violence: A Cross- Government Report in 2011 heralded a change of policy direction. Unlike traditional approaches to tackling gang and youth violence, which placed responsibility within the hands of the Home Office and the criminal justice community, the Government's report recognised gang and youth violence as a public health issue. This report is designed to help us understand emerging practice and to inform the design of future services and public health funding. A public health approach holds a number of benefits. For example, taking a more holistic approach to the planning and delivery of services enables agencies to work together more effectively and improve the quality of support young people receive. Success in reducing the number of incidences of violence can also help to reduce the costs to the NHS, which is currently estimated at L2.9 billion per year. The Ending Gang and Youth Violence report emphasised the role of the new public health system and local health and wellbeing boards, established under the Coalition Government's Health and Social Care Act 2012, in tackling gang and youth violence. These reforms aim to localise public health and allow communities to use public health funding to tackle the issues that most affect them. The health and wellbeing boards are central to achieving these aims. Having come into effect in April 2013, they provide a local forum where leaders from the health and care system can work together to improve the health and wellbeing of their community - including through crime prevention.

Details: London: Catch 22, Dawes Unit and MHP Health, 2013. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 6, 2013 at: http://mhpccom.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/health/files/2013/10/Violence-prevention-health-promotion.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://mhpccom.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/health/files/2013/10/Violence-prevention-health-promotion.pdf

Shelf Number: 131595

Delinquency Prevention
Public Health Programs
Youth Gangs
Youth Violence (U.K.)