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Results for public opinion survey

2 results found

Author: Moore, Elizabeth

Title: Restorative Justice Initiatives: Public Opinion and Support in NSW

Summary: Aim: To measure public opinion and support for restorative justice initiatives for theft/vandalism and assault offences across NSW in 2011. Method: An independent market research company completed 2,530 telephone interviews with NSW residents over a 4-week period. Results: There was widespread support for restorative justice initiatives. Most respondents agreed that offenders’ sentences should include unpaid work in the community (85.9%); and that victims should be given the opportunity to inform offenders of the harm caused (87.3%), and have a say in how the offender can make amends for that harm (73.8%). While the restorative justice initiatives of ‘making amends to victims’ and ‘unpaid work in the community’, were viewed as less effective in preventing crime and disorder compared to ‘better supervision of young people by parents’ or ‘better mental health care’, they were viewed as more effective than receiving ‘a prison sentence’. Women, regional dwellers, those with lower educational attainment, crime victims and those displaying more punitive attitudes tended to be more supportive of restorative justice principles. Conclusion: The results suggest that the principles underpinning restorative justice initiatives are well supported by the community.

Details: Sydney: NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, 2012. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Bureau Brief, Issue Paper no. 77: Accessed April 3, 2012 at: http://www.bocsar.nsw.gov.au/lawlink/bocsar/ll_bocsar.nsf/vwFiles/BB77.pdf/$file/BB77.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.bocsar.nsw.gov.au/lawlink/bocsar/ll_bocsar.nsf/vwFiles/BB77.pdf/$file/BB77.pdf

Shelf Number: 124802

Juvenile Offenders
Public Opinion Survey
Restorative Justice (Australia)

Author: Kuneviciute, Ieva

Title: Anti-Trafficking Campaign in Kosovo 2012: Pre-Campaign Survey Report

Summary: This report presents the results of a pre-Anti-Trafficking Campaign survey, which took place on 3-10 September 2012 in Prishtina, Prizren, Peja, Gjakova, Gjilan, Ferizaj and Mitrovica, as well as smaller towns and villages around. 280 interviews were conducted in total. People were interviewed about their knowledge and behaviour towards child trafficking, especially child street begging, child forced labour and child sexual exploitation, as well as, their attitude towards anti-trafficking campaigns and other activities. The report concludes that approximately half of the respondents have an average knowledge about child trafficking. The respondents were aware of various forms of child trafficking, however, the perception differed in various municipalities. Kosovo police was acknowledged as an important actor fighting against child trafficking. On the other hand, some institutions, e.g. NGOs were not given much importance. Finally, recommendations towards the activities of National Anti-Trafficking and Public Awareness Campaign are made.

Details: Kosovo: Terre des hommes - Delegation in Kosovo, 2012. 86p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 16, 2012 at http://s3.amazonaws.com/rcpp/assets/attachments/1511_Pre-campaign_survey_REPORT_19.09.2012_original.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://s3.amazonaws.com/rcpp/assets/attachments/1511_Pre-campaign_survey_REPORT_19.09.2012_original.pdf

Shelf Number: 127216

Child Trafficking (Kosovo)
Human Trafficking (Kosovo)
Public Opinion Survey