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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:55 am

Results for public savety

1 results found

Author: Vohra, Salim

Title: Trafford LED Street Lighting Programme Health impact Assessment

Summary: 2The overall aim of this report is to provide a fair and balanced assessment of the potential and likely positive and negative health and wellbeing impacts of implementing LED street lighting given the emerging nature of the research in this area. HIA is a key systematic approach to predicting the magnitude and significance of the possible health and wellbeing impacts, both positive and negative, of new plans and projects. The aim of HIA is to support and add value to the decision-making process by providing a systematic analysis of the potential impacts as well as recommending options, where appropriate, for enhancing the positive impacts, mitigating the negative ones and reducing health inequalities/inequities.

Details: Edinburgh: Institute of Occupational Medicine, 2013. 122p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 21, 2017 at: https://democratic.trafford.gov.uk/documents/s3192/Trafford%20LED%20street%20lighting%20programme%20HIA%20-%20FINAL%20-%202013-06-10.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://democratic.trafford.gov.uk/documents/s3192/Trafford%20LED%20street%20lighting%20programme%20HIA%20-%20FINAL%20-%202013-06-10.pdf

Shelf Number: 146794

Crime Prevention
Health Impact Assessment
Public Savety
Street Lighting