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Date: June 30, 2024 Sun

Time: 12:34 pm

Results for racial violence (u.k.)

1 results found

Author: Athwal, Harmit, Bourne, Jenny

Title: Racial Violence: The Buried Issue

Summary: For most politicians raw, crude racism is over. The Macpherson report, it is said, dealt with it. Our research shows the hideous fact that since Stephen Lawrence’s death in April 1993, eighty-nine people have lost their lives to racial violence – an average of five per year. And this is just the worst aspect of a huge problem which has, far from going away, increased its impact in new areas across the UK. Whilst the main parties are in denial about the extent and severity of racial violence and popular racism (unless it manifests itself in lost votes to the British National Party) their racist domestic and foreign policies and the terms of the race debate – that immigration is indeed a problem, that British jobs are for British workers – are helping to fuel the misinformation and disaffection that can lead to such violence. The first part of this report analyses murders with a racial element since Stephen Lawrence’s – from the attack on the street to the convictions of assailants in the courts. The second part, analyses data on 660 cases of racial violence collated for 2009. In the appendices, Lee Bridges examines official statistics on racial violence and A. Sivanandan is interviewed about Islamophobia and anti-Muslim racism.

Details: London: Institute of Race Relations, 2010. 25p.

Source: Internet Resource: IRR Briefing Paper No. 6: Accessed April 6, 2012 at: http://www.irr.org.uk/pdf2/IRR_Briefing_No.6.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.irr.org.uk/pdf2/IRR_Briefing_No.6.pdf

Shelf Number: 124886

Bias Crimes
Hate Crimes
Racial Violence (U.K.)