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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:58 am

Results for recidivism (florida)

1 results found

Author: Florida Department of Corrections. Bureau of Research and Data Analysis

Title: 2009 Florida Prison Recidivism Study: Releases From 2001 to 2008

Summary: The 2009 Florida Prison Recidivism Study is the first report to be produced annually that examines the issue of recidivism among Florida's released inmate population. The use of recidivism as a performance indicator of the state's rehabilitative efforts can be debated, but the analysis itself is of vital public importance. Basically, what is the likelihood that an inmate who is released today will come back to prison? This question is important for the state in terms of planning and budgeting, but more importantly to the public and elected officials in terms of public safety. Since 88% of inmates in Florida's prisons today will one day be released back into our communities, their success or failure comes at a cost to public order and public safety. This study finds that results for Florida are generally consistent with existing research of the factors that influence recidivism. The Bureau of Justice Statistics report, "Recidivism of Prisoners Released in 1994 (2002)" shows overall recidivism rates for releases from 15 different states. That report shows a 51.8% recidivism rate (return to prison for any reason within three years) for this group of inmates. Unlike most states, Florida paroles very few inmates and only about a third of released inmates have any community supervision sanction at all. Since those with supervision after release recidivate more often than those without supervision upon release, it is important to keep in mind that Florida's recidivism rate may be lower than another state due to this difference in release mechanisms.

Details: Talahassee, FL: Florida Department of Corrections, 2010. 18p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 28, 2010 at: http://www.dc.state.fl.us/secretary/press/2010/RecidivismStudy.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://www.dc.state.fl.us/secretary/press/2010/RecidivismStudy.pdf

Shelf Number: 119699

Recidivism (Florida)