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Results for recreation

2 results found

Author: Kazmierow, Bronek J.

Title: Vehicle Crime at Outdoor Recreation and Tourist Destinations: Prevalence, Impact and Solutions

Summary: Vehicle crime in car parks at outdoor recreation and tourist destinations poses an unwelcome problem for visitors and destination managers in New Zealand. Some tourists and recreationists may avoid some outdoor recreation sites and activities because of perceived threats. Currently, no public agencies are fully addressing the problem, and the impact of vehicle crime in these settings is poorly understood. We set out to identify the prevalence and impact of this problem and, where possible, solutions, using a collaborative multiple-method approach that involved quantitative data collection from crime records; surveys of the New Zealand population, and domestic and international tourists; and five targeted recreationist surveys. In addition, qualitative data were gathered through focus groups of recreation participants and non-participants; media content analysis; an assessment of victim accounts; interviews with 30 convicted vehicle crime offenders; and three regional case studies. We found that, in contrast to vehicle crime recorded elsewhere in New Zealand, the incidence of vehicle crime at car parks managed by the Department of Conservation is low and predominately focused at a small number of car parks. Recreationists and the public considered the problem to be somewhat larger than official records suggested it was and, correspondingly, their reported levels of concern were disproportionately large. International tourists, however, were less concerned. Vehicle crime was a significant issue for outdoor recreationists, as this group experienced the highest levels of victimisation. However, international tourists falling victim to this crime appear to suffer the most severe consequences. Solutions uncovered as part of this study are presented, along with a summary of a planning and evaluation framework constructed for destination managers and associated agencies grappling with vehicle crime.

Details: Wellington, NZ: Publishing Team, New Zealand Department of Conservation, 2009. 86p.

Source: Internet Resource: Science for Conservation 298: Accessed August 31, 2011 at: http://www.doc.govt.nz/upload/documents/science-and-technical/sfc298.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: New Zealand

URL: http://www.doc.govt.nz/upload/documents/science-and-technical/sfc298.pdf

Shelf Number: 122564

Automobile Theft
Car Theft
Motor Vehicle Theft

Author: Mthembu, Nompumelelo

Title: Tourism Crime, Safety and Security in the Umhlathuze District Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal.

Summary: Recreation and Tourism as a profession is new in South Africa. In the past not much concern was given to the provision and utilisation of recreation and Tourism facilities for the previously disadvantaged communities. Recreation has not been taken as a significant component of life for Blacks because of the apartheid system that existed. In the recent history of South Africa, recreation facilities were mainly made available to the White population areas, with Black areas and being neglected. As such there has been alienation between communities, tourists and hosts, as well as tourism service providers and tourism authorities. These stakeholders have not successfully tackled tourism problem, and more specifically that of tourism crime, safety and security. The focus of this study was to investigate the tourism crime, safety and security in uMhlathuze District Municipality, with special reference to policy formulation and its practise. The main objectives of this study are the following; - To find out whether the local community understands the importance of tourism crime, safety and security in the study area. - To establish the extent to which tourists feel safe and secure in and around the uMhlathuze District area. - To reveal whether there are adequate policies that address situations of tourism safety and security in the study area. - To investigate the levels to which tourism policies are practiced or implemented in the study area. - To indicate the perceived management of tourism crime, safety and security in the near future for the study area. Data was collected by means of interviews and questionnaires that were administered to 124 participants in uMhlathuze District to establish the state of tourism crime, safety and security, affecting domestic and international tourism. Data analysis was accomplished through using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) computer technique. The method used for analysing information appeared to be effective because clear outcomes of the finding were achieved. The most important findings were that, there are criminal activities that are occurring in the study area and some of these activities are not reported and the policies and practices are not known by the members of the community and some of the tourism officials and authorities. The latter suggests that the local people should be taught about the importance of tourism and the tourist in the study area. It was further discovered that some of the crimes that takes place are done by the local people because they do not understand the importance of the tourists in the study area. The importance of safety and security is not known to them and they are not told about it. The local people needs to be told about the importance of tourism activities that are taking place in the study area and they should be encouraged to participate in the activities that can make them to see how important is the tourism and its resources. Safety and security should be applied in order to protect the study area. It was also discovered that the Umhlathuze tourism association should be a major role in making the policy and practices to be known by everyone in the study area who can promote the safety and security of the tourists in the study area. This is the big challenge that the local government is facing. Since local municipality is the government that is closest to the people and represents the interests of the residents, it is responsible for fulfilling the developmental role (DLG; 1998). Therefore, it is clear that local people should be taught about the importance of tourism activities and to make the tourism policies and practices to be known by every stakeholder that is involved in promoting the safety and security in the study area. Further that the local government needs to play a leading role to ensure that they provides the training to the local community about the safety and security of the tourist in the study area even the destination itself.

Details: KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: University of Zululand, 2009. 154p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed October 15, 2015 at: http://uzspace.uzulu.ac.za/bitstream/handle/10530/129/Tourism+Crime,+Safety+&+Security+in+the+Umhlathuze+District+Municipality+-+N+Mthembu.pdf;jsessionid=1C04443006F5DF90CB45CE54F6121373?sequence=1

Year: 2009

Country: South Africa

URL: http://uzspace.uzulu.ac.za/bitstream/handle/10530/129/Tourism+Crime,+Safety+&+Security+in+the+Umhlathuze+District+Municipality+-+N+Mthembu.pdf;jsessionid=1C04443006F5DF90CB45CE54F6121373?sequence=1

Shelf Number: 136979

Public Safety
Tourism and Crime