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Results for repeat offenders (new zealand)

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Author: Wilson, Nick J.

Title: New Zealand High-Risk Offenders: Who Are They and What Are the Issues in Their Management and Treatment?

Summary: This exploratory study into who high risk offenders actually are, was an attempt to gain more information about offenders who are predicted to be at high risk of serious reoffending. While efforts to address criminogenic factors typically follow the risk/needs/responsivity principles established by Canadian researchers, little information outside of criminal history information and broad demographic details exists on what appears to be a diverse group of offenders. The very offender’s that are the primary management and treatment targets for the Corrections department, in reducing reoffending. The original study proposal also wanted to assess the impact on these offenders of Integrated Offender Management (IOM). As such it was hoped that the sample would have included the assessment procedures used in IOM to assess each individual offenders sentence plan (i.e., Criminal Needs Inventory). Unfortunately, the IOM processes were not carried out on sufficient numbers of the offenders involved in the study when interviews were carried out. It is hoped that funding for follow up of the study sample will occur at a later stage, enabling current IOM data to be included, as well as a more comprehensive understanding of the high risk offender group rather than simply a ‘snap-shot’. The Corrections Department primary risk assessment tool, the RoC*RoI measure was used to identify all inmates at New Zealand’s largest prison with risk scores over .70 (or 70% risk of serious recidivism). Approximately 28% of prison inmates in NZ have risk scores over this cut-off score used by parole authorities to classify high-risk offenders. A total of 150 prison inmates (79% of possible participants) consented to take part in the study that involved a two-hour session in which a number of psychometric instruments and a structured interview were administered. The interviews took place at Waikeria Prison in 2002. The study measures and the interview schedule included variables relating to personality, mental health, criminogenic needs, developmental history, cultural knowledge, treatment history and offence related information. It was hoped to provide descriptive information on the variables from these measures to assist in the development of intervention and management policies for high-risk offenders. In addition it was hoped to analyse the interaction between study variables to assist in the identification of possible causal links. This report presents the findings of this study.

Details: Wellington, NZ: Department of Corrections, Psychological Service, 2004. 135p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 22, 2011 at: http://www.corrections.govt.nz/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/177027/high-risk-offenders.pdf

Year: 2004

Country: New Zealand

URL: http://www.corrections.govt.nz/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/177027/high-risk-offenders.pdf

Shelf Number: 120847

Repeat Offenders (New Zealand)
Risk Management