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Results for residential institutions child abuse

1 results found

Author: Nobody's Children Foundation 2009 - 2010

Title: "Sexual violence against children": Study of the phenomenon and dimensions of the violence against children raised in the residential institutions

Summary: The project “Sexual Abuse of Children in Residential Institutions“ is aimed at examining the extent and scope of child sexual abuse in residential institutions in five European Union member states. The ultimate objective of the project is to promote the making of both national and European policies that prevent sexual abuse of institutionalized children. The use of uni-form research methodology will allow for the comparison of research results in different countries and sharing the experiences of good practices. The project was carried out in Bulgaria, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. The characteristics of children who grow up in residential institutions (parental alcohol abuse, family pathology, child neglect, etc.) provide grounds for the hypothesis that the experience of sexual contact with adults may be more common in the population of institutionalized chil-dren than in the general child population. Emotional neglect by the loved ones may motivate these children to seek emotional bonds with other grown-ups. Such children are especially likely to fall victim to paedophilia. Moreover, when the child is neglected and there are no close relationships between the child and his/her family, it becomes significantly less likely for the child to disclose the abuse and for the family members to notice symptoms of abuse in the child. Additionally, the very fact of growing up in an institution may increase the risk of sexual abuse. Many such institutions have a “second life”, focusing on the development and maintenance of a hierarchy of status and power among the residing children. Forced sex (when older and stronger residents force younger children to sexual activity), rape, etc. may serve as instruments of this “second life”. The problem of victimization of children living in residential care in Poland, including sexual abuse, was examined in 2005, when the Nobody’s Children Foundation conducted a survey (within its research programme) of 495 children selected from a representative na-tional sample of residential care institutions. Institutional staff were also included in the study. The 2009 study presented in this report helped to determine the scale (or prevalence) of such traumatic experiences among children living in residential institutions in Warsaw, and the scope of help available to them in such cases. The study used the methodology of the 2005 survey, making it possible to relate the findings about the Warsaw subjects to the national data.

Details: Warsaw: Nobody's Children Foundation, 2010. 70p.

Source: Internet REsource: Accessed August 30, 2012 at http://www.sapibg.org/attachments/article/1253/Poland%20%28EN%29.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Poland

URL: http://www.sapibg.org/attachments/article/1253/Poland%20%28EN%29.pdf

Shelf Number: 126176

Child Sexual Abuse
Children, Crimes Against
Residential Institutions Child Abuse