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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:51 am

Results for residential security

1 results found

Author: Ellis, Victoria Elisabeth

Title: The effect of Compartmentalisation on ASB reduction in Secured by Design developments

Summary: Compartmentalisation has recently been introduced to target anti-social behaviour (ASB) in housing developments that are vulnerable to this type of crime as a result of unrestricted access to flat buildings. Due to its novelty, there has been limited evaluation on the effects of compartmentalisation on crime reduction and even less so on ASB reduction. Such evaluation was therefore undertaken by assessing the impact of compartmentalisation on ASB in Secured by Design (SBD) estates. Using a qualitative approach, telephone interviews were conducted with residents, Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) officers and estate managers from Belvedere Park estate and Erith Park estate, and a thematic analysis was performed to interpret the findings of this research. The findings demonstrate that compartmentalisation can contribute to the reduction of certain types of ASB incidents, and presents additional benefits including enhanced community and personal safety within housing estates. However, the main limitation of compartmentalisation is that the security measure is unable to account for all forms of ASB in residential estates.

Details: London: University College London, 2018. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 6, 2018 at: https://nbcc.police.uk/attachments/Full%20article.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://nbcc.police.uk/attachments/Full%20article.pdf

Shelf Number: 153331

Anti-social Behavior
Crime Prevention
Design Against Crime
Residential Security
Secured by Design