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Results for revenge pornography

3 results found

Author: Greater London Authority

Title: A Safer City for Women and Girls: The London Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy 2018-2021

Summary: Measures in the Mayor's Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy include: Prevention A wide-ranging programme to improve safety in public spaces at all times of day and night including a new Women's Night Safety Charter, partnership to tackle unwanted sexual behaviour on the transport network and a new campaign to tackle attitudes of everyday sexism and misogyny Working with partners across London to gain accreditation to the UN Women's Safer Cities and Safe Public Spaces initiative Work to encourage positive attitudes, behaviours and healthy relationships amongst children and young people with specialist advocates in schools and pupil referral units, Safer Schools Officers and a whole school prevention pilot in Croydon Supporting a Good Work Standard to address the #MeToo phenomenon and ensure abuse is not tolerated in the workplace Tackling perpetrators Working with police and criminal justice partners to ensure the most effective handling of dangerous individuals including over $3m to expand the rehabilitative Drive project which provides additional support to help reform the behaviour of perpetrators New measures to tackle stalking Calling on the Government to create a register for perpetrators of domestic abuse and violence, and for tougher sentences for image-based offenses such as 'upskirting' and 'revenge porn' Protection and support for victims $200,000 to support the London Councils Harmful Practices programme - training nurses, midwives and social workers to recognize abuses such as FGM and intervene A complete review of adherence to the Victims' Code of Practice, a new online portal for victims of crime, and a study into rape cases from a victim's perspective Significant investment in general and specialist services for victims including $13m for sexual violence services, $5m for Domestic Violence services, and over $9m for services in London's boroughs The Strategy was informed by a major consultation exercise which included: Consultation with survivors - 15 focus groups with 133 survivors of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), 19 one-to-one interviews and an online survey with 90 respondents. 12 consultation workshops on evidence and data sharing, female offenders, BAME, perpetrators, prevention, enforcement, support for victims, prostitution, harmful practices, priority boroughs plus a roundtable with survivors and another with partners and stakeholders. 400 face-to-face interviews with members of the public across the areas of London where VAWG is most prevalent.

Details: London: GLA, 2018. 100p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 4, 2018 at: https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/vawg_strategy_2018-21.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/vawg_strategy_2018-21.pdf

Shelf Number: 150056

Gender-Based Violence
Revenge Pornography
Violence Prevention
Violent Against Women, Girls
Violent Crime

Author: International Centre for Missing & Exploited Chidlren

Title: Studies in Child Protection: Sexual Extortion and Nonconsensual Pornography

Summary: The rapid evolution of technology and the increasingly widespread use of the Internet, have changed the face of child sexual exploitation globally. Child sexual exploitation includes, but is not limited to: enticing, manipulating, or threatening a child into performing sexual acts in front of a webcam; grooming children online with the goal of sexually exploiting them; and distributing child sexual abuse material online.2 Sex offenders have become proficient in using technology to engage in child sexual abuse by utilizing the Internet as a vehicle to meet children in order to prepare them for sexual encounters, or even to target, manipulate, and lure them into sex trafficking. While the vulnerability of children to sexual predators is not new, the tools predators use and the language to describe various types of online child sexual abuse have changed remarkably. Two forms of online child sexual exploitation have emerged as pervasive threats to children's safety around the world: sexual extortion, commonly referred to as "sextortion," and nonconsensual pornography or nonconsensual sharing of intimate images, also often referred to as "revenge pornography."

Details: Alexandria, VA: The Centre, 2018.46p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 15, 2018 at: https://riselearningnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Sexual-Extortion_Nonconsensual-Pornography_final_10-26-18.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: https://riselearningnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Sexual-Extortion_Nonconsensual-Pornography_final_10-26-18.pdf

Shelf Number: 153477

Child Grooming
Child Pornography
Child Protection
Child Sexual Exploitation
Online Child Sexual Abuse
Revenge Pornography
Social Media

Author: International Centre for Missing & Exploited Chidlren

Title: Studies in Child Protection: Technology-Facilitated Child Sex Trafficking

Summary: Trafficking of children for sexual purposes, or child sex trafficking2, is defined internationally as: the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs. The Internet and related technologies are increasingly becoming the predominant mechanism by which children are lured, entrapped, and forced into modern-day enslavement for sexual purposes. While child sex trafficking is not a new crime, the use of technology to facilitate this crime is. As the Internet is highly unregulated and provides anonymity, accessibility, and global reach, the use of technology by traffickers will likely become even more prevalent. In general, traffickers are criminals "who enable or partake in the trade and exploitation of human beings." Online traffickers use information and communications technologies (ICTs) to seek out vulnerable children, recruit victims, and advertise/sell victims to offenders through social media, messaging applications, online ads, and peer-to-peer file sharing servers with the intent to exploit the victims for profit. Using the Internet and related technologies, traffickers may lure victims by posting false job advertisements, promising fame or money, expressing love or praise, or threatening harm or death to the victim and/or their family. Traffickers may use social media platforms to gain trust and build relationships by showing admiration or desire for the child, acting as a friend, and eventually employing tactics such as manipulation, coercion, and control to lure them away from their homes and loved ones. Child sex traffickers may be strangers, but they can also be family members, friends, guardians, or acquaintances.10 Nearly half of all identified cases of child trafficking begin with some family member involvement and the extent of family involvement in the trafficking of children is up to four times higher than in cases of adult trafficking. The high demand for children for sexual purposes has generated such high profits that many organized crime groups are turning away from other illicit activities to devote their resources to the trafficking of minors. Human trafficking appeals to criminal organizations as "it is becoming increasingly easy and inexpensive to procure, move and exploit vulnerable girls." Additionally, the relatively low risk of detection and prosecution of technology-facilitated child sex trafficking compared to the risk associated with traditional, "in-person" forms of trafficking makes online sex trafficking an attractive illegal activity in which to engage. One child can generate a profit of several thousand dollars a day for traffickers and can be abused and sold repeatedly, unlike other forms of illicit trade like drug trafficking. The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that "globally, two-thirds of the profits from forced labour are generated by forced sexual exploitation, amounting to an estimated US$99 billion per year." Approximately 5.5 million children under the age of 18 are forced into labor, and it is estimated that more than one million are victims of forced sexual exploitation. With the growth of Internet usage, a child's risk of being targeted increases; “technology has lowered the bar of entry to the criminal world, which has had an expansive effect on the growth of modern slavery. Our challenge is that technology is taking slavery into a darker corner of the world where law enforcement techniques and capabilities are not as strong as they are offline." Strategies to address technology-facilitated child sex trafficking must address the misuse of ICTs to facilitate it and harness the potential of ICTs to combat it The world has seen an increase in international, regional, and national laws addressing cybercrime and human trafficking; however, international law is silent on several key issues - namely, the use of ICTs to: 1) recruit child sex trafficking victims; 2) advertise the sexual services of these victims; and 3) provide or receive payments or benefits from the sexual exploitation of children. To address these legal gaps, ideally international legislation should be enacted to include: - A uniform definition of technology-facilitated child sex trafficking; - Statutes punishing the use of ICTs to recruit child victims, advertise their sexual services, and send and receive payments for sexual exploitation of children; and - Requisite punishment. The Internet has global reach, which fuels the need for international legal cooperation to develop more stringent, overt laws to protect children from technology-facilitated child sex trafficking. While vast research exists regarding child sex trafficking broadly, this paper specifically focuses on: how and why technology is increasingly used to recruit, advertise, and send/receive payments for child sex trafficking; examining available international and regional legal instruments; reviewing a sampling of relevant national legislation; presenting model legislative language for consideration; and discussing the role of the technology and financial industries to deter traffickers from misusing their platforms to sexually exploit children. The report is further intended to support and promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 16.220 on ending the abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of violence against and torture of children, and contribute to reaching the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by demonstrating our organizational commitment, helping raise awareness of the issues, and promoting the rule of law at the national and international levels. Additionally, the report contributes to the Implementation and Enforcement of Laws strategy, the first of the seven INSPIRE strategies developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), in particular core indicators 3.1 through 3.6 (i.e., laws and policies, awareness of laws, review of legal and policy framework)22; and helps to implement the WePROTECT Global Alliance to End Child Sexual Exploitation Online Model National Response (MNR) - specifically capabilities 2 (Research, Analysis and Monitoring) and 3 (Legislation) under Policy and Governance23.

Details: Alexandria, VA: The Centre, 2018. 50p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 10, 2019 at: https://www.icmec.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Technology-Facilitated-Child-Sex-Trafficking_final_11-30-18.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: https://www.icmec.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Technology-Facilitated-Child-Sex-Trafficking_final_11-30-18.pdf

Shelf Number: 155745

Child Grooming
Child Pornography
Child Prostitution
Child Protection
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking
Forced Labor
Modern Slavery
Online Child Sexual Abuse
Revenge Pornography
Social Media