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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:17 pm

Results for role models

1 results found

Author: Thijs, Fabienne

Title: Literature research into the effects of using ex-prisoners as 'role models': Summary

Summary: In this report, we present the results of a study that was aimed at investigating the potential effects of using ex-prisoners or other 'negative role models' in educational and prevention programmes for young people. Both within and outside of the Netherlands, educational and prevention programmes are regularly conducted in which ex-offenders are used to inform young people and school students about the dangers and consequences of problematic behaviour and crime. Such a method in the Netherlands is the educational programme youth (EPJO), that provided almost 200 lessons at schools in Amsterdam and The Hague in the past school year. The effect on young people of using ex-offenders in programmes such as EPJO is unclear. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to examine to what extent educational and prevention programmes for young people, in which ex-prisoners or others who have been in contact with the judiciary system ('negative role models'), are effective in preventing or reducing delinquent behaviour. Research questions The central research questions were formulated as follows: 1) What is known about the effects of using ex-prisoners and other 'negative role models' in prevention and educational programmes for young people? 2) Which theories and/or models are applicable to a potential (positive or negative) impact of using ex-prisoners and other negative role models? If we were able to find enough relevant and adequate empirical studies for the first research question, we would try to answer the following additional questions: a) What is known about the effect of using ex-prisoners and other negative role models on later involvement in delinquent behaviour and on attitudes about delinquent behaviour? b) What is known about the effect on knowledge and insight into the lives and experiences of ex-prisoners and on attitudes towards ex-prisoners and other negative role models? c) Is there something known about the significance of implementation modalities (such as intensity and content of the programme, type of negative role model)? d) Is there something known about the role of age of the recipients of the programme? e) Is there something known about differences between short-term effects (directly after the programme) and long-term effects (about one to several years)? In addition, we were also interested in the following themes: f) The impact of the interventions on attitudes towards police and authority figures; g) Possible effects (positive or negative) for the role models themselves; h) Whether the interventions and/or studies are motivated by a specific theory (assumed processes or causes); I) Whether interventions may have more or less impact on vulnerable or at-risk youths; j) Whether something is known about the effects on different forms of delinquent behaviour; k) Whether the programme descriptions include information about why an ex-prisoner would have an effect

Details: Amsterdam: Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR), 2018.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 24, 2018 at: https://english.wodc.nl/binaries/2906_summary_tcm29-340928.pdf (full text only available in Dutch)

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: https://english.wodc.nl/binaries/2906_summary_tcm29-340928.pdf

Shelf Number: 151254

At-Risk Youth
Delinquency Prevention
Role Models