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Results for sacramento drug courts

1 results found

Author: Carey, Shannon M.

Title: California Drug Courts: Costs and Benefits. Phase III: DC-CSET Statewide Launch Superior Court of Sacramento County Sacramento Drug Court Site-Specific Report

Summary: This report contains the site-specific cost-benefit results for the Sacramento Drug Court. These results are part of a multi-part of Phase III, the statewide launch phase, of this research effort to develop a statewide methodology for assessing the benefits and costs of drug courts in the State of California. The aim of this effort is to produce a validated methodology to conduct inexpensive cost-benefit studies on an ongoing basis of drug courts throughout the state. This methodology, when fully implemented, will enable NPC Research and the California State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) to answer important public policy questions from a cost-benefit perspective. These questions include the following: 1. Are adult drug courts cost beneficial? 2. What adult drug court practices appear most promising and cost-beneficial? As a part of this effort, a web-based tool was created the Drug Court Cost Self-Evaluation Tool (DCCSET) that drug courts statewide can use to help determine their own costs and benefits. This tool has been piloted in four drug court program sites. The results of the pilot, and in particular feedback from the pilot sites, were used to adjust the web-tool in preparation for the statewide launch. This report is the result of the statewide launch. This report contains the site-specific results for the Sacramento Drug Court in Sacramento County, California.

Details: Portland, OR: NPC Research, 2008. 25p.

Source: Internet Resource. Accessed on January 15, 2012 at http://www.npcresearch.com/Files/California_Drug_Courts_%20Sacramento_full_site_cost_report_1208.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: United States

URL: http://www.npcresearch.com/Files/California_Drug_Courts_%20Sacramento_full_site_cost_report_1208.pdf

Shelf Number: 123622

Cost-Benefit Analysis
Drug Courts (California)
Drug Offenders
Drug Treatment
Sacramento Drug Courts